5.2. Cache-Control

  2. The "Cache-Control" header field is used to specify directives for
  3. caches along the request/response chain. Such cache directives are
  4. unidirectional in that the presence of a directive in a request does
  5. not imply that the same directive is to be given in the response.
  7. A cache MUST obey the requirements of the Cache-Control directives
  8. defined in this section. See Section 5.2.3 for information about how
  9. Cache-Control directives defined elsewhere are handled.
  11. Note: Some HTTP/1.0 caches might not implement Cache-Control.
  13. A proxy, whether or not it implements a cache, MUST pass cache
  14. directives through in forwarded messages, regardless of their
  15. significance to that application, since the directives might be
  16. applicable to all recipients along the request/response chain. It is
  17. not possible to target a directive to a specific cache.
  19. Cache directives are identified by a token, to be compared case-
  20. insensitively, and have an optional argument, that can use both token
  21. and quoted-string syntax. For the directives defined below that
  22. define arguments, recipients ought to accept both forms, even if one
  23. is documented to be preferred. For any directive not defined by this
  24. specification, a recipient MUST accept both forms.
  26. Cache-Control = 1#cache-directive
  28. cache-directive = token [ "=" ( token / quoted-string ) ]
  30. For the cache directives defined below, no argument is defined (nor
  31. allowed) unless stated otherwise.

5.2.1. Request Cache-Control Directives max-age
  2. Argument syntax:
  4. delta-seconds (see Section 1.2.1)
  6. The "max-age" request directive indicates that the client is
  7. unwilling to accept a response whose age is greater than the
  8. specified number of seconds. Unless the max-stale request directive
  9. is also present, the client is not willing to accept a stale
  10. response.
  12. This directive uses the token form of the argument syntax; e.g.,
  14. Fielding, et al. Expires May 21, 2014 [Page 21]

  1. Internet-Draft HTTP/1.1 Caching November 2013
  3. 'max-age=5', not 'max-age="5"'. A sender SHOULD NOT generate the
  4. quoted-string form.


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