hdu 2857 Mirror and Light
using namespace std;
const double DNF=100000001.0;
int t;
double x1,x2,y11,y2,xs,ys,xe,ye;
struct Point
double x;
double y;
struct Line
double a;
double b;
double c;
}; Point get_point1(Line x,Line y)
return (Point){ (x.b*y.c-y.b*x.c)/(x.a*y.b-y.a*x.b) , (y.a*x.c-x.a*y.c)/(x.a*y.b-y.a*x.b) };
} Point extent1(Point a,Point b)
return (Point){*b.x-a.x,*b.y-a.y};
} Line get_line1(Point a,Point b)
return (Line){ a.y-b.y , b.x-a.x , a.y*(a.x-b.x)-a.x*(a.y-b.y) };
} Line get_line1(Point a,Line x)
return (Line){ -x.b , x.a , x.b*a.x-x.a*a.y };
} int main()
Point ans;
Point s,e,tmp,m1,m2,news;
Line a,b,c;
a=get_line1(s,b); tmp=get_point1(a,b);
printf("%.3lf %.3lf\n",ans.x,ans.y);
return ;

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