本文简单的讲述下怎样用Apple Watch Kit集成环信SDK.

升级xcode到version 6.2,和 IOS SDK8.2


打开XCode->new project->new target->选择WatchKit App

xcode 会自己主动给你创建几个targets,比例如以下图:

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQveW91bml3b3JsZA==/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="">

把EaseMobSDK目录拖拽到HxAppleWatchDemo Target里

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQveW91bml3b3JsZA==/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="">

选择target HXAppleWatchDemo,增加下图全部的Linked Frameworks and Libraries里的库文件

在HXAppleWatchDemo target 创建bridging header文件

设置bridging header文件

设置other linker flags 以保证SDK Lib category的扩展方法可用

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQveW91bml3b3JsZA==/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="">



1. 打开HXAppleWatchDemo WatchKit App 里的interface.storyboard然后加个button 叫load contacts

2. 找到HXAppleWatchDemo WatchKit Extension里的文件InterfaceController.swift,然后把上述的button关联到

@IBOutlet weakvar open:WKInterfaceButton!


// InterfaceController.swift
// HXAppleWatchDemo WatchKit Extension
// Created by youni on 15/4/1.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 youni. All rights reserved.
// import WatchKit
import Foundation class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController { @IBOutlet weak var open: WKInterfaceButton! @IBAction func openApp() {
InterfaceController.openParentApplication(["action":"getcontact"], reply: {(info:[NSObject : AnyObject]!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if info != nil{
if info.count > 0{
self.getContacts(info!["contacts"] as [String])
} func getContacts(contacts:[String]){
presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions(contacts, allowedInputMode: WKTextInputMode.Plain, completion: {(result:[AnyObject]!)-> Void in
if result != nil{
var id:String = result[0] as String
var date:NSDate = NSDate()
var now:NSTimeInterval = date.timeIntervalSinceNow self.sendMessage(id,text: now.description)
} func sendMessage(id:String,text:String){
InterfaceController.openParentApplication(["action":"send","name":id,"message":text], reply: {(info:[NSObject : AnyObject]!, error:NSError!) -> Void in })
} override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {
super.awakeWithContext(context) // Configure interface objects here.
} override func willActivate() {
// This method is called when watch view controller is about to be visible to user
} override func didDeactivate() {
// This method is called when watch view controller is no longer visible
} }

InterfaceController.openParentApplication是用来和IOS的程序通讯的接口,大部分的业务逻辑须要在parent application实现也就是上述说的HXAppleWatchDemo Target

我们看下HXAppleWatchDemo是怎样实现和Apple Watch App通讯的

// AppDelegate.swift
// HXAppleWatchDemo
// Created by youni on 15/4/1.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 youni. All rights reserved.
// import UIKit @UIApplicationMain
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate,IChatManagerDelegate{ var window: UIWindow? var callback:(([NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void)! func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
let apnsCertName:String = "chatdemoui"; EaseMob.sharedInstance().registerSDKWithAppKey("easemob-demo#chatdemoui", apnsCertName: apnsCertName) EaseMob.sharedInstance().chatManager.addDelegate(self, delegateQueue: nil) EaseMob.sharedInstance().chatManager.asyncLoginWithUsername("tt1", password: "1", completion: { (loginInfo,error) -> Void in NSLog("login callback : ") HXSDKHelper.instance.sendTextMessage("uni3", textMessge:"test from")
}, onQueue: nil) return true
} func applicationWillResignActive(application: UIApplication) {
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game.
} func applicationDidEnterBackground(application: UIApplication) {
// Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
// If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
} func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
} func applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication) {
// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
} func applicationWillTerminate(application: UIApplication) {
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
} func application(application: UIApplication!, handleWatchKitExtensionRequest userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, reply: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) { if(userInfo != nil){
if userInfo!["action"] != nil{
var action:String = userInfo!["action"] as String if action == "getcontact"{
}else if action == "send"{
var name:String = userInfo!["name"] as String
var message:String = userInfo!["message"] as String
NSLog("name : " + name + "message : " + message)
HXSDKHelper.instance.sendTextMessage(name, textMessge:message)
callback = reply
} func didSendMessage(message: EMMessage!, error: EMError!) {
if(error != nil){
} func didReceiveMessage(message: EMMessage!) { }

这个就是和Apple WatchKit App实现通讯的接口:

func application(application: UIApplication!, handleWatchKitExtensionRequest userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, reply: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) {

        if(userInfo != nil){
if userInfo!["action"] != nil{
var action:String = userInfo!["action"] as String if action == "getcontact"{
}else if action == "send"{
var name:String = userInfo!["name"] as String
var message:String = userInfo!["message"] as String
NSLog("name : " + name + "message : " + message)
HXSDKHelper.instance.sendTextMessage(name, textMessge:message)
callback = reply


// HXSDKHelper.swift
// swittest
// Created by youni on 15/3/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 youni. All rights reserved.
// import Foundation private var gInstance = HXSDKHelper() class HXSDKHelper : NSObject{
class var instance:HXSDKHelper{
return gInstance
} func sendTextMessage(to : String, textMessge : String){
var latestMessage:EMMessage = EMMessage()
var chatText:EMChatText = EMChatText(text: textMessge)
var txtBody:EMTextMessageBody = EMTextMessageBody(chatObject: chatText) latestMessage.addMessageBody(txtBody);
latestMessage.to = to;
EaseMob.sharedInstance().chatManager.asyncSendMessage(latestMessage, progress: nil);

大功告成。完毕以上步骤,你就行做个简单的Watch App 可以用环信的SDK发消息了。





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