Here we want to test a toggle button component, when the button was click, state should change, style should change also.

Toggle component:

// see this live:
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import glamorous from 'glamorous'
import {darken} from 'polished' // imagine this is in a "components" file
const primaryColor = '#337ab7'
const toggledOnStyles = {
backgroundColor: darken(0.15, primaryColor),
borderColor: darken(0.25, primaryColor),
'&:hover,&:active,&:focus': {
backgroundColor: darken(0.2, primaryColor),
borderColor: darken(0.3, primaryColor),
const toggledOffStyles = {
backgroundColor: primaryColor,
borderColor: darken(0.1, primaryColor),
'&:hover,&:active,&:focus': {
backgroundColor: darken(0.1, primaryColor),
borderColor: darken(0.2, primaryColor),
const ToggleButton = glamorous.button(
display: 'inline-block',
padding: '6px 12px',
marginBottom: '0',
fontSize: '14px',
fontWeight: '400',
lineHeight: '1.4',
textAlign: 'center',
cursor: 'pointer',
borderRadius: '4px',
color: '#fff',
props => (props.on ? toggledOnStyles : toggledOffStyles),
) class Toggle extends Component {
constructor(props, {
this.state = {
toggledOn: props.initialToggledOn || false,
} handleToggleClick = () => {
const toggledOn = !this.state.toggledOn
} render() {
const {children} = this.props
const {toggledOn} = this.state
return (
} Toggle.propTypes = {
initialToggledOn: PropTypes.bool,
onToggle: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
children: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
} export default Toggle


import React from 'react'
import {render, mount} from 'enzyme'
import Toggle from '../toggle' test('component render with default state', () => {
const wrapper = renderToggle();
}) test('when button is clicked, the style of button should change', () => {
const onToggle = jest.fn() // jest mock function
const wrapper = mountToggle({
// It is recommended that for the element we need to test
// we can add 'data-test' attr, so that we can reference
// the element inside testing
const button = wrapper.find('[data-test="button"]')
// we can verify the style changes inside snapshots
expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshotWithGlamor('1. Before toggle')
expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshotWithGlamor('2. After toggle')
}) test('onToggle function should be called when the button is clicked', () => {
const onToggle = jest.fn() // jest mock function
const wrapper = mountToggle({
// It is recommended that for the element we need to test
// we can add 'data-test' attr, so that we can reference
// the element inside testing
const button = wrapper.find('[data-test="button"]')
}) /**
* The difference between mount and render function is that
* 1. render is faster, because after rendered, it output string,
* so there is no lifecycle hooks bind with it.
* 2. mount, on the other hand, will bind lifecycle hooks and events,
* the output is actual DOM element
* */ function mountToggle(props = {}) {
const propToUse = Object.assign(
onToggle() {
children: 'I am a child'
) return mount(<Toggle {...propToUse} />)
} function renderToggle(props = {}) {
const propToUse = Object.assign(
onToggle() {
children: 'I am a child'
) return render(<Toggle {...propToUse} />)

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