


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std; class Solution {
string convert(string s, int nRows) {
if(s.size() == || nRows == || nRows == )
return s; string str_ans;
vector<string> ans;
int Num = nRows + nRows - ; int times = ;
int paddle = ;
while(times >= )
for(paddle = ; paddle<nRows;paddle++)
int pivot = times*Num + paddle;
if(pivot >= s.size())
times = -;
ans[paddle] += s[pivot];
if( !paddle == && paddle != (nRows -))
int temp = times*Num + nRows - + nRows - - paddle;
if( temp < s.size())
ans[paddle] += s[temp];
} times++;
for(int i = ; i< nRows; i++)
str_ans += ans[i];
return str_ans;
}; int main()
class Solution myS;
return ;

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