Application Structure
Every CEF3 application has the same general structure.
- Provide an entry-point function that initializes CEF and runs either sub-process executable logic or the CEF message loop.
- Provide an implementation of CefApp to handle process-specific callbacks.
- Provide an implementation of CefClient to handle browser-instance-specific callbacks.
- Call CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser() to create a browser instance and manage the browser life span using CefLifeSpanHandler.
- 提供入口函数,用于初始化CEF、运行子进程执行逻辑或者CEF消息循环。
- 提供CefApp实现,用于处理进程相关的回调。
- 提供CefClient实现,用于处理browser实例相关的回调
- 执行CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser()创建一个browser实例,使用CefLifeSpanHandler管理browser对象生命周期。
Entry-Point Function
As described in the “Processes” section a CEF3 application will run multiple processes. The processes can all use the same executable or a separate executable can be specified for the sub-processes. Execution of the process begins in the entry-point function. Complete platform-specific examples for Windows, Linux and Mac OS-X are available in cefclient_win.cc, cefclient_gtk.cc and cefclient_mac.mm respectively.
像本文中进程章节描述的那样,一个CEF3应用程序会运行多个进程,这些进程能够使用同一个执行器或者为子进程定制的、单独的执行器。进程的执行从入口函数开始,示例cefclient_win.cc、cefclient_gtk.cc、cefclient_mac.mm分别对应Windows、Linux和Mac OS-X平台下的实现。
When launching sub-processes CEF will specify configuration information using the command-line that must be passed into the CefExecuteProcess function via the CefMainArgs structure. The definition of CefMainArgs is platform-specific. On Linux and Mac OS X it accepts the argc and argv values which are passed into the main() function.
当执行子进程是,CEF将使用命令行参数指定配置信息,这些命令行参数必须通过CefMainArgs结构体传入到CefExecuteProcess函数。CefMainArgs的定义与平台相关,在Linux、Mac OS X平台下,它接收main函数传入的argc和argv参数值。
- CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);
On Windows it accepts the instance handle (HINSTANCE) which is passed into the wWinMain() function. The instance handle is also retrievable via GetModuleHandle(NULL).
- CefMainArgs main_args(hInstance);
Single Executable
When running as a single executable the entry-point function is required to differentiate between the different process types. The single executable structure is supported on Windows and Linux but not on Mac OS X.
当运行单个执行器时,根据不同的进程类型,入口函数有差异。Windows、Linux平台支持单个执行器架构,Mac OS X平台则不行。
- // 程序执行函数
- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- // Structure for passing command-line arguments.
- // The definition of this structure is platform-specific.
- // 传递命令行参数的结构体。
- // 这个结构体的定义与平台相关。
- CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);
- // Optional implementation of the CefApp interface.
- // 可选择地实现CefApp接口
- CefRefPtr<MyApp> app(new MyApp);
- // Execute the sub-process logic, if any. This will either return immediately for the browser
- // process or block until the sub-process should exit.
- // 可能会执行子进程逻辑,这个函数的执行在browser进程时会立即返回,在子进程时会堵塞直到退出时返回。
- int exit_code = CefExecuteProcess(main_args, app.get());
- if (exit_code >= 0) {
- // The sub-process terminated, exit now.
- // 子进程被终结,立即结束。
- return exit_code;
- }
- // Populate this structure to customize CEF behavior.
- // 填充这个结构体,用于定制CEF的行为。
- CefSettings settings;
- // Initialize CEF in the main process.
- // 在main进程中初始化CEF
- CefInitialize(main_args, settings, app.get());
- // Run the CEF message loop. This will block until CefQuitMessageLoop() is called.
- // 执行消息循环,此时会堵塞,直到CefQuitMessageLoop()函数被调用。
- CefRunMessageLoop();
- // Shut down CEF.
- // 退出CEF。
- CefShutdown();
- return 0;
- }
Separate Sub-Process Executable
When using a separate sub-process executable you need two separate executable projects and two separate entry-point functions.
Main application entry-point function:
- // Program entry-point function.
- // 程序入口函数
- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- // Structure for passing command-line arguments.
- // The definition of this structure is platform-specific.
- // 传递命令行参数的结构体。
- // 这个结构体的定义与平台相关。
- CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);
- // Optional implementation of the CefApp interface.
- // 可选择性地实现CefApp接口
- CefRefPtr<MyApp> app(new MyApp);
- // Populate this structure to customize CEF behavior.
- // 填充这个结构体,用于定制CEF的行为。
- CefSettings settings;
- // Specify the path for the sub-process executable.
- // 指定子进程的执行路径
- CefString(&settings.browser_subprocess_path).FromASCII(“/path/to/subprocess”);
- // Initialize CEF in the main process.
- // 在主进程中初始化CEF
- CefInitialize(main_args, settings, app.get());
- // Run the CEF message loop. This will block until CefQuitMessageLoop() is called.
- // 执行消息循环,此时会堵塞,直到CefQuitMessageLoop()函数被调用。
- CefRunMessageLoop();
- // Shut down CEF.
- // 关闭CEF
- CefShutdown();
- return 0;
- }
Sub-process application entry-point function: 子进程程序的入口函数:
- // Program entry-point function.
- // 程序入口函数
- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- // Structure for passing command-line arguments.
- // The definition of this structure is platform-specific.
- // 传递命令行参数的结构体。
- // 这个结构体的定义与平台相关。
- CefMainArgs main_args(argc, argv);
- // Optional implementation of the CefApp interface.
- // 可选择性地实现CefApp接口
- CefRefPtr<MyApp> app(new MyApp);
- // Execute the sub-process logic. This will block until the sub-process should exit.
- // 执行子进程逻辑,此时会堵塞直到子进程退出。
- return CefExecuteProcess(main_args, app.get());
- }
Message Loop Integration
CEF can also integrate with an existing application message loop instead of running its own message loop. There are two ways to do this.
- Call CefDoMessageLoopWork() on a regular basis instead of calling CefRunMessageLoop(). Each call to CefDoMessageLoopWork() will perform a single iteration of the CEF message loop. Caution should be used with this approach. Calling the method too infrequently will starve the CEF message loop and negatively impact browser performance. Calling the method too frequently will negatively impact CPU usage.
Set CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop = true (Windows only). This will cause CEF to run the browser UI thread on a separate thread from the main application thread. With this approach neither CefDoMessageLoopWork() nor CefRunMessageLoop() need to be called. CefInitialize() and CefShutdown() should still be called on the main application thread. You will need to provide your own mechanism for communicating with the main application thread (see for example the message window usage in cefclient_win.cpp). You can test this mode in cefclient on Windows by running with the “--multi-threaded-message-loop” command-line flag.
- 设置CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop=true(Windows平台下有效),这个设置项将导致CEF运行browser UI运行在单独的线程上,而不是在主线程上,这种场景下CefDoMessageLoopWork()或者CefRunMessageLoop()都不需要调用,CefInitialze()、CefShutdown()仍然在主线程中调用。你需要提供主程序线程通信的机制(查看cefclient_win.cpp中提供的消息窗口实例)。在Windows平台下,你可以通过命令行参数“--multi-threaded-message-loop”测试上述消息模型。
The CefSettings structure allows configuration of application-wide CEF settings. Some commonly configured members include:
- single_process Set to true to use a single process for the browser and renderer. Also configurable using the "single-process" command-line switch. See the “Processes” section for more information.
- browser_subprocess_path The path to a separate executable that will be launched for sub-processes. See the “Separate Sub-Process Executable” section for more information.
- multi_threaded_message_loop Set to true to have the browser process message loop run in a separate thread. See the “Message Loop Integration” section for more information.
- command_line_args_disabled Set to true to disable configuration of browser process features using standard CEF and Chromium command-line arguments. See the “Command Line Arguments” section for more information.
- cache_path The location where cache data will be stored on disk. If empty an in-memory cache will be used for some features and a temporary disk cache will be used for others. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is specified.
- locale The locale string that will be passed to Blink. If empty the default locale of "en-US" will be used. This value is ignored on Linux where locale is determined using environment variable parsing with the precedence order: LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES and LANG. Also configurable using the "lang" command-line switch.
- log_file The directory and file name to use for the debug log. If empty, the default name of "debug.log" will be used and the file will be written to the application directory. Also configurable using the "log-file" command-line switch.
- log_severity The log severity. Only messages of this severity level or higher will be logged. Also configurable using the "log-severity" command-line switch with a value of "verbose", "info", "warning", "error", "error-report" or "disable".
- resources_dir_path The fully qualified path for the resources directory. If this value is empty the cef.pak and/or devtools_resources.pak files must be located in the module directory on Windows/Linux or the app bundle Resources directory on Mac OS X. Also configurable using the "resources-dir-path" command-line switch.
- locales_dir_path The fully qualified path for the locales directory. If this value is empty the locales directory must be located in the module directory. This value is ignored on Mac OS X where pack files are always loaded from the app bundle Resources directory. Also configurable using the "locales-dir-path" command-line switch.
remote_debugging_port Set to a value between 1024 and 65535 to enable remote debugging on the specified port. For example, if 8080 is specified the remote debugging URL will be http://localhost:8080. CEF can be remotely debugged from any CEF or Chrome browser window. Also configurable using the "remote-debugging-port" command-line switch.
single_process 设置为true时,browser和renderer使用一个进程。此项也可以通过命令行参数“single-process”配置。查看本文中“进程”章节获取更多的信息。
- browser_subprocess_path 设置用于启动子进程单独执行器的路径。参考本文中“单独子进程执行器”章节获取更多的信息。
- cache_path 设置磁盘上用于存放缓存数据的位置。如果此项为空,某些功能将使用内存缓存,多数功能将使用临时的磁盘缓存。形如本地存储的HTML5数据库只能在设置了缓存路径才能跨session存储。
- locale 此设置项将传递给Blink。如果此项为空,将使用默认值“en-US”。在Linux平台下此项被忽略,使用环境变量中的值,解析的依次顺序为:LANGUAE,LC_ALL,LC_MESSAGES和LANG。此项也可以通过命令行参数“lang”配置。
- log_file 此项设置的文件夹和文件名将用于输出debug日志。如果此项为空,默认的日志文件名为debug.log,位于应用程序所在的目录。此项也可以通过命令参数“log-file”配置。
- log_severity 此项设置日志级别。只有此等级、或者比此等级高的日志的才会被记录。此项可以通过命令行参数“log-severity”配置,可以设置的值为“verbose”,“info”,“warning”,“error”,“error-report”,“disable”
- resources_dir_path 此项设置资源文件夹的位置。如果此项为空,Windows平台下cef.pak、Linux平台下devtools_resourcs.pak、Mac OS X下的app bundle Resources目录必须位于组件目录。此项也可以通过命令行参数“resource-dir-path”配置。
- locales_dir_path 此项设置locale文件夹位置。如果此项为空,locale文件夹必须位于组件目录,在Mac OS X平台下此项被忽略,pak文件从app bundle Resources目录。此项也可以通过命令行参数“locales-dir-path”配置。
- remote_debugging_port 此项可以设置1024-65535之间的值,用于在指定端口开启远程调试。例如,如果设置的值为8080,远程调试的URL为http://localhost:8080。CEF或者Chrome浏览器能够调试CEF。此项也可以通过命令行参数“remote-debugging-port”配置。
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