from import StorageAdapter

class Query(object):

    def __init__(self, query={}):
self.query = query def value(self):
return self.query.copy() def raw(self, data):
query = self.query.copy() query.update(data) return Query(query) def statement_text_equals(self, statement_text):
query = self.query.copy() query['text'] = statement_text return Query(query) def statement_text_not_in(self, statements):
query = self.query.copy() if 'text' not in query:
query['text'] = {} if '$nin' not in query['text']:
query['text']['$nin'] = [] query['text']['$nin'].extend(statements) return Query(query) def statement_response_list_contains(self, statement_text):
query = self.query.copy() if 'in_response_to' not in query:
query['in_response_to'] = {} if '$elemMatch' not in query['in_response_to']:
query['in_response_to']['$elemMatch'] = {} query['in_response_to']['$elemMatch']['text'] = statement_text return Query(query) def statement_response_list_equals(self, response_list):
query = self.query.copy() query['in_response_to'] = response_list return Query(query) class MongoDatabaseAdapter(StorageAdapter):
The MongoDatabaseAdapter is an interface that allows
ChatterBot to store statements in a MongoDB database. :keyword database: The name of the database you wish to connect to.
:type database: str .. code-block:: python database='chatterbot-database' :keyword database_uri: The URI of a remote instance of MongoDB.
:type database_uri: str .. code-block:: python database_uri='mongodb://'
""" def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MongoDatabaseAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo.errors import OperationFailure self.database_name = self.kwargs.get(
'database', 'chatterbot-database'
self.database_uri = self.kwargs.get(
'database_uri', 'mongodb://localhost:27017/'
) # Use the default host and port
self.client = MongoClient(self.database_uri) # Increase the sort buffer to 42M if possible
self.client.admin.command({'setParameter': 1, 'internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes': 44040192})
except OperationFailure:
pass # Specify the name of the database
self.database = self.client[self.database_name] # The mongo collection of statement documents
self.statements = self.database['statements'] # The mongo collection of conversation documents
self.conversations = self.database['conversations'] # Set a requirement for the text attribute to be unique
self.statements.create_index('text', unique=True) self.base_query = Query() def get_statement_model(self):
Return the class for the statement model.
from chatterbot.conversation import Statement # Create a storage-aware statement
statement = Statement = self return statement def get_response_model(self):
Return the class for the response model.
from chatterbot.conversation import Response # Create a storage-aware response
response = Response = self return response def count(self):
return self.statements.count() def find(self, statement_text):
Statement = self.get_model('statement')
query = self.base_query.statement_text_equals(statement_text) values = self.statements.find_one(query.value()) if not values:
return None del values['text'] # Build the objects for the response list
values['in_response_to'] = self.deserialize_responses(
values.get('in_response_to', [])
) return Statement(statement_text, **values) def deserialize_responses(self, response_list):
Takes the list of response items and returns
the list converted to Response objects.
Statement = self.get_model('statement')
Response = self.get_model('response')
proxy_statement = Statement('') for response in response_list:
text = response['text']
del response['text'] proxy_statement.add_response(
Response(text, **response)
) return proxy_statement.in_response_to def mongo_to_object(self, statement_data):
Return Statement object when given data
returned from Mongo DB.
Statement = self.get_model('statement')
statement_text = statement_data['text']
del statement_data['text'] statement_data['in_response_to'] = self.deserialize_responses(
statement_data.get('in_response_to', [])
) return Statement(statement_text, **statement_data) def filter(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list of statements in the database
that match the parameters specified.
import pymongo query = self.base_query order_by = kwargs.pop('order_by', None) # Convert Response objects to data
if 'in_response_to' in kwargs:
serialized_responses = []
for response in kwargs['in_response_to']:
serialized_responses.append({'text': response}) query = query.statement_response_list_equals(serialized_responses)
del kwargs['in_response_to'] if 'in_response_to__contains' in kwargs:
query = query.statement_response_list_contains(
del kwargs['in_response_to__contains'] query = query.raw(kwargs) matches = self.statements.find(query.value()) if order_by: direction = pymongo.ASCENDING # Sort so that newer datetimes appear first
if order_by == 'created_at':
direction = pymongo.DESCENDING matches = matches.sort(order_by, direction) results = [] for match in list(matches):
results.append(self.mongo_to_object(match)) return results def update(self, statement):
from pymongo import UpdateOne
from pymongo.errors import BulkWriteError data = statement.serialize() operations = [] update_operation = UpdateOne(
{'text': statement.text},
{'$set': data},
operations.append(update_operation) # Make sure that an entry for each response is saved
for response_dict in data.get('in_response_to', []):
response_text = response_dict.get('text') # $setOnInsert does nothing if the document is not created
update_operation = UpdateOne(
{'text': response_text},
{'$set': response_dict},
operations.append(update_operation) try:
self.statements.bulk_write(operations, ordered=False)
except BulkWriteError as bwe:
# Log the details of a bulk write error
self.logger.error(str(bwe.details)) return statement def create_conversation(self):
Create a new conversation.
conversation_id = self.conversations.insert_one({}).inserted_id
return conversation_id def get_latest_response(self, conversation_id):
Returns the latest response in a conversation if it exists.
Returns None if a matching conversation cannot be found.
from pymongo import DESCENDING statements = list(self.statements.find({
'': conversation_id
}).sort('conversations.created_at', DESCENDING)) if not statements:
return None return self.mongo_to_object(statements[-2]) def add_to_conversation(self, conversation_id, statement, response):
Add the statement and response to the conversation.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
'text': statement.text
'$push': {
'conversations': {
'id': conversation_id,
'created_at': datetime.utcnow()
'text': response.text
'$push': {
'conversations': {
'id': conversation_id,
# Force the response to be at least one millisecond after the input statement
'created_at': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(milliseconds=1)
) def get_random(self):
Returns a random statement from the database
from random import randint count = self.count() if count < 1:
raise self.EmptyDatabaseException() random_integer = randint(0, count - 1) statements = self.statements.find().limit(1).skip(random_integer) return self.mongo_to_object(list(statements)[0]) def remove(self, statement_text):
Removes the statement that matches the input text.
Removes any responses from statements if the response text matches the
input text.
for statement in self.filter(in_response_to__contains=statement_text):
self.update(statement) self.statements.delete_one({'text': statement_text}) def get_response_statements(self):
Return only statements that are in response to another statement.
A statement must exist which lists the closest matching statement in the
in_response_to field. Otherwise, the logic adapter may find a closest
matching statement that does not have a known response.
response_query = self.statements.aggregate([{'$group': {'_id': '$in_response_to.text'}}]) responses = []
for r in response_query:
except TypeError:
pass _statement_query = {
'text': {
'$in': responses
} _statement_query.update(self.base_query.value())
statement_query = self.statements.find(_statement_query)
statement_objects = []
for statement in list(statement_query):
return statement_objects def drop(self):
Remove the database.



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