- <?php
- /**
- * 助手类
- * @author www.shouce.ren
- *
- */
- class Helper
- {
- /**
- * 判断当前服务器系统
- * @return string
- */
- public static function getOS(){
- if(PATH_SEPARATOR == ':'){
- return 'Linux';
- }else{
- return 'Windows';
- }
- }
- /**
- * 当前微妙数
- * @return number
- */
- public static function microtime_float() {
- list ( $usec, $sec ) = explode ( " ", microtime () );
- return (( float ) $usec + ( float ) $sec);
- }
- /**
- * 切割utf-8格式的字符串(一个汉字或者字符占一个字节)
- *
- * @author zhao jinhan
- * @version v1.0.0
- *
- */
- public static function truncate_utf8_string($string, $length, $etc = '...') {
- $result = '';
- $string = html_entity_decode ( trim ( strip_tags ( $string ) ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
- $strlen = strlen ( $string );
- for($i = 0; (($i < $strlen) && ($length > 0)); $i ++) {
- if ($number = strpos ( str_pad ( decbin ( ord ( substr ( $string, $i, 1 ) ) ), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ), '0' )) {
- if ($length < 1.0) {
- break;
- }
- $result .= substr ( $string, $i, $number );
- $length -= 1.0;
- $i += $number - 1;
- } else {
- $result .= substr ( $string, $i, 1 );
- $length -= 0.5;
- }
- }
- $result = htmlspecialchars ( $result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
- if ($i < $strlen) {
- $result .= $etc;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * 遍历文件夹
- * @param string $dir
- * @param boolean $all true表示递归遍历
- * @return array
- */
- public static function scanfDir($dir='', $all = false, &$ret = array()){
- if ( false !== ($handle = opendir ( $dir ))) {
- while ( false !== ($file = readdir ( $handle )) ) {
- if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..', '.git', '.gitignore', '.svn', '.htaccess', '.buildpath','.project'))) {
- $cur_path = $dir . '/' . $file;
- if (is_dir ( $cur_path )) {
- $ret['dirs'][] =$cur_path;
- $all && self::scanfDir( $cur_path, $all, $ret);
- } else {
- $ret ['files'] [] = $cur_path;
- }
- }
- }
- closedir ( $handle );
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * 邮件发送
- * @param string $toemail
- * @param string $subject
- * @param string $message
- * @return boolean
- */
- public static function sendMail($toemail = '', $subject = '', $message = '') {
- $mailer = Yii::createComponent ( 'application.extensions.mailer.EMailer' );
- //邮件配置
- $mailer->SetLanguage('zh_cn');
- $mailer->Host = Yii::app()->params['emailHost']; //发送邮件服务器
- $mailer->Port = Yii::app()->params['emailPort']; //邮件端口
- $mailer->Timeout = Yii::app()->params['emailTimeout'];//邮件发送超时时间
- $mailer->ContentType = 'text/html';//设置html格式
- $mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
- $mailer->Username = Yii::app()->params['emailUserName'];
- $mailer->Password = Yii::app()->params['emailPassword'];
- $mailer->IsSMTP ();
- $mailer->From = $mailer->Username; // 发件人邮箱
- $mailer->FromName = Yii::app()->params['emailFormName']; // 发件人姓名
- $mailer->AddReplyTo ( $mailer->Username );
- $mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
- // 添加邮件日志
- $modelMail = new MailLog ();
- $modelMail->accept = $toemail;
- $modelMail->subject = $subject;
- $modelMail->message = $message;
- $modelMail->send_status = 'waiting';
- $modelMail->save ();
- // 发送邮件
- $mailer->AddAddress ( $toemail );
- $mailer->Subject = $subject;
- $mailer->Body = $message;
- if ($mailer->Send () === true) {
- $modelMail->times = $modelMail->times + 1;
- $modelMail->send_status = 'success';
- $modelMail->save ();
- return true;
- } else {
- $error = $mailer->ErrorInfo;
- $modelMail->times = $modelMail->times + 1;
- $modelMail->send_status = 'failed';
- $modelMail->error = $error;
- $modelMail->save ();
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 判断字符串是utf-8 还是gb2312
- * @param unknown $str
- * @param string $default
- * @return string
- */
- public static function utf8_gb2312($str, $default = 'gb2312')
- {
- $str = preg_replace("/[\x01-\x7F]+/", "", $str);
- if (emptyempty($str)) return $default;
- $preg = array(
- "gb2312" => "/^([\xA1-\xF7][\xA0-\xFE])+$/", //正则判断是否是gb2312
- "utf-8" => "/^[\x{4E00}-\x{9FA5}]+$/u", //正则判断是否是汉字(utf8编码的条件了),这个范围实际上已经包含了繁体中文字了
- );
- if ($default == 'gb2312') {
- $option = 'utf-8';
- } else {
- $option = 'gb2312';
- }
- if (!preg_match($preg[$default], $str)) {
- return $option;
- }
- $str = @iconv($default, $option, $str);
- //不能转成 $option, 说明原来的不是 $default
- if (emptyempty($str)) {
- return $option;
- }
- return $default;
- }
- /**
- * utf-8和gb2312自动转化
- * @param unknown $string
- * @param string $outEncoding
- * @return unknown|string
- */
- public static function safeEncoding($string,$outEncoding = 'UTF-8')
- {
- $encoding = "UTF-8";
- for($i = 0; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i ++) {
- if (ord ( $string {$i} ) < 128)
- continue;
- if ((ord ( $string {$i} ) & 224) == 224) {
- // 第一个字节判断通过
- $char = $string {++ $i};
- if ((ord ( $char ) & 128) == 128) {
- // 第二个字节判断通过
- $char = $string {++ $i};
- if ((ord ( $char ) & 128) == 128) {
- $encoding = "UTF-8";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((ord ( $string {$i} ) & 192) == 192) {
- // 第一个字节判断通过
- $char = $string {++ $i};
- if ((ord ( $char ) & 128) == 128) {
- // 第二个字节判断通过
- $encoding = "GB2312";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (strtoupper ( $encoding ) == strtoupper ( $outEncoding ))
- return $string;
- else
- return @iconv ( $encoding, $outEncoding, $string );
- }
- /**
- * 返回二维数组中某个键名的所有值
- * @param input $array
- * @param string $key
- * @return array
- */
- public static function array_key_values($array =array(), $key='')
- {
- $ret = array();
- foreach((array)$array as $k=>$v){
- $ret[$k] = $v[$key];
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * 判断 文件/目录 是否可写(取代系统自带的 is_writeable 函数)
- * @param string $file 文件/目录
- * @return boolean
- */
- public static function is_writeable($file) {
- if (is_dir($file)){
- $dir = $file;
- if ($fp = @fopen("$dir/test.txt", 'w')) {
- @fclose($fp);
- @unlink("$dir/test.txt");
- $writeable = 1;
- } else {
- $writeable = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if ($fp = @fopen($file, 'a+')) {
- @fclose($fp);
- $writeable = 1;
- } else {
- $writeable = 0;
- }
- }
- return $writeable;
- }
- /**
- * 格式化单位
- */
- static public function byteFormat( $size, $dec = 2 ) {
- $a = array ( "B" , "KB" , "MB" , "GB" , "TB" , "PB" );
- $pos = 0;
- while ( $size >= 1024 ) {
- $size /= 1024;
- $pos ++;
- }
- return round( $size, $dec ) . " " . $a[$pos];
- }
- /**
- * 下拉框,单选按钮 自动选择
- *
- * @param $string 输入字符
- * @param $param 条件
- * @param $type 类型
- * selected checked
- * @return string
- */
- static public function selected( $string, $param = 1, $type = 'select' ) {
- $true = false;
- if ( is_array( $param ) ) {
- $true = in_array( $string, $param );
- }elseif ( $string == $param ) {
- $true = true;
- }
- $return='';
- if ( $true )
- $return = $type == 'select' ? 'selected="selected"' : 'checked="checked"';
- echo $return;
- }
- /**
- * 下载远程图片
- * @param string $url 图片的绝对url
- * @param string $filepath 文件的完整路径(例如/www/images/test) ,此函数会自动根据图片url和http头信息确定图片的后缀名
- * @param string $filename 要保存的文件名(不含扩展名)
- * @return mixed 下载成功返回一个描述图片信息的数组,下载失败则返回false
- */
- static public function downloadImage($url, $filepath, $filename) {
- //服务器返回的头信息
- $responseHeaders = array();
- //原始图片名
- $originalfilename = '';
- //图片的后缀名
- $ext = '';
- $ch = curl_init($url);
- //设置curl_exec返回的值包含Http头
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
- //设置curl_exec返回的值包含Http内容
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- //设置抓取跳转(http 301,302)后的页面
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
- //设置最多的HTTP重定向的数量
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 3);
- //服务器返回的数据(包括http头信息和内容)
- $html = curl_exec($ch);
- //获取此次抓取的相关信息
- $httpinfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- if ($html !== false) {
- //分离response的header和body,由于服务器可能使用了302跳转,所以此处需要将字符串分离为 2+跳转次数 个子串
- $httpArr = explode("\r\n\r\n", $html, 2 + $httpinfo['redirect_count']);
- //倒数第二段是服务器最后一次response的http头
- $header = $httpArr[count($httpArr) - 2];
- //倒数第一段是服务器最后一次response的内容
- $body = $httpArr[count($httpArr) - 1];
- $header.="\r\n";
- //获取最后一次response的header信息
- preg_match_all('/([a-z0-9-_]+):\s*([^\r\n]+)\r\n/i', $header, $matches);
- if (!emptyempty($matches) && count($matches) == 3 && !emptyempty($matches[1]) && !emptyempty($matches[1])) {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
- if (array_key_exists($i, $matches[2])) {
- $responseHeaders[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i];
- }
- }
- }
- //获取图片后缀名
- if (0 < preg_match('{(?:[^\/\\\\]+)\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$}i', $url, $matches)) {
- $originalfilename = $matches[0];
- $ext = $matches[1];
- } else {
- if (array_key_exists('Content-Type', $responseHeaders)) {
- if (0 < preg_match('{image/(\w+)}i', $responseHeaders['Content-Type'], $extmatches)) {
- $ext = $extmatches[1];
- }
- }
- }
- //保存文件
- if (!emptyempty($ext)) {
- //如果目录不存在,则先要创建目录
- if(!is_dir($filepath)){
- mkdir($filepath, 0777, true);
- }
- $filepath .= '/'.$filename.".$ext";
- $local_file = fopen($filepath, 'w');
- if (false !== $local_file) {
- if (false !== fwrite($local_file, $body)) {
- fclose($local_file);
- $sizeinfo = getimagesize($filepath);
- return array('filepath' => realpath($filepath), 'width' => $sizeinfo[0], 'height' => $sizeinfo[1], 'orginalfilename' => $originalfilename, 'filename' => pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * 查找ip是否在某个段位里面
- * @param string $ip 要查询的ip
- * @param $arrIP 禁止的ip
- * @return boolean
- */
- public static function ipAccess($ip='', $arrIP = array()){
- $access = true;
- $ip && $arr_cur_ip = explode('.', $ip);
- foreach((array)$arrIP as $key=> $value){
- if($value == '*.*.*.*'){
- $access = false; //禁止所有
- break;
- }
- $tmp_arr = explode('.', $value);
- if(($arr_cur_ip[0] == $tmp_arr[0]) && ($arr_cur_ip[1] == $tmp_arr[1])) {
- //前两段相同
- if(($arr_cur_ip[2] == $tmp_arr[2]) || ($tmp_arr[2] == '*')){
- //第三段为* 或者相同
- if(($arr_cur_ip[3] == $tmp_arr[3]) || ($tmp_arr[3] == '*')){
- //第四段为* 或者相同
- $access = false; //在禁止ip列,则禁止访问
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $access;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $string 原文或者密文
- * @param string $operation 操作(ENCODE | DECODE), 默认为 DECODE
- * @param string $key 密钥
- * @param int $expiry 密文有效期, 加密时候有效, 单位 秒,0 为永久有效
- * @return string 处理后的 原文或者 经过 base64_encode 处理后的密文
- *
- * @example
- *
- * $a = authcode('abc', 'ENCODE', 'key');
- * $b = authcode($a, 'DECODE', 'key'); // $b(abc)
- *
- * $a = authcode('abc', 'ENCODE', 'key', 3600);
- * $b = authcode('abc', 'DECODE', 'key'); // 在一个小时内,$b(abc),否则 $b 为空
- */
- public static function authcode($string, $operation = 'DECODE', $key = '', $expiry = 3600) {
- $ckey_length = 4;
- // 随机密钥长度 取值 0-32;
- // 加入随机密钥,可以令密文无任何规律,即便是原文和密钥完全相同,加密结果也会每次不同,增大破解难度。
- // 取值越大,密文变动规律越大,密文变化 = 16 的 $ckey_length 次方
- // 当此值为 0 时,则不产生随机密钥
- $key = md5 ( $key ? $key : 'key' ); //这里可以填写默认key值
- $keya = md5 ( substr ( $key, 0, 16 ) );
- $keyb = md5 ( substr ( $key, 16, 16 ) );
- $keyc = $ckey_length ? ($operation == 'DECODE' ? substr ( $string, 0, $ckey_length ) : substr ( md5 ( microtime () ), - $ckey_length )) : '';
- $cryptkey = $keya . md5 ( $keya . $keyc );
- $key_length = strlen ( $cryptkey );
- $string = $operation == 'DECODE' ? base64_decode ( substr ( $string, $ckey_length ) ) : sprintf ( '%010d', $expiry ? $expiry + time () : 0 ) . substr ( md5 ( $string . $keyb ), 0, 16 ) . $string;
- $string_length = strlen ( $string );
- $result = '';
- $box = range ( 0, 255 );
- $rndkey = array ();
- for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i ++) {
- $rndkey [$i] = ord ( $cryptkey [$i % $key_length] );
- }
- for($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i ++) {
- $j = ($j + $box [$i] + $rndkey [$i]) % 256;
- $tmp = $box [$i];
- $box [$i] = $box [$j];
- $box [$j] = $tmp;
- }
- for($a = $j = $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i ++) {
- $a = ($a + 1) % 256;
- $j = ($j + $box [$a]) % 256;
- $tmp = $box [$a];
- $box [$a] = $box [$j];
- $box [$j] = $tmp;
- $result .= chr ( ord ( $string [$i] ) ^ ($box [($box [$a] + $box [$j]) % 256]) );
- }
- if ($operation == 'DECODE') {
- if ((substr ( $result, 0, 10 ) == 0 || substr ( $result, 0, 10 ) - time () > 0) && substr ( $result, 10, 16 ) == substr ( md5 ( substr ( $result, 26 ) . $keyb ), 0, 16 )) {
- return substr ( $result, 26 );
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- } else {
- return $keyc . str_replace ( '=', '', base64_encode ( $result ) );
- }
- }
- public static function gbkToUtf8($str){
- return iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $str);
- }
- }
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