


POJ 1240 Pre-Post-erous!

We are all familiar with pre-order, in-order and post-order traversals of binary trees. A common problem in data structure classes is to find the pre-order traversal of a binary tree when given the in-order and post-order traversals. Alternatively, you can find the post-order traversal when given the in-order and pre-order. However, in general you cannot determine the in-order traversal of a tree when given its pre-order and post-order traversals. Consider the four binary trees below:

    a   a   a   a

/ / \ \

b b b b

/ \ / \

c c c c

All of these trees have the same pre-order and post-order traversals. This phenomenon is not restricted to binary trees, but holds for general m-ary trees as well. 


Input will consist of multiple problem instances. Each instance will consist of a line of the form 
m s1 s2 
indicating that the trees are m-ary trees, s1 is the pre-order traversal and s2 is the post-order traversal.All traversal strings will consist of lowercase alphabetic characters. For all input instances, 1 <= m <= 20 and the length of s1 and s2 will be between 1 and 26 inclusive. If the length of s1 is k (which is the same as the length of s2, of course), the first k letters of the alphabet will be used in the strings. An input line of 0 will terminate the input. 


For each problem instance, you should output one line containing the number of possible trees which would result in the pre-order and post-order traversals for the instance. All output values will be within the range of a 32-bit signed integer. For each problem instance, you are guaranteed that there is at least one tree with the given pre-order and post-order traversals. 

Sample Input

2 abc cba
2 abc bca
10 abc bca
13 abejkcfghid jkebfghicda

Sample Output



char s[],c[];
int m,l;
int C(int a,int b)
long long ans=;
for(int i=a-b+; i<=a; i++)ans*=i;
for(int i=; i<=b; i++)ans/=i;
return (int)ans;
int f(int l,char* s,char* c)
if(!l)return ;
int cur=,num=,ans=;
for(int i=cur; i<l; i++)
return ans*=C(m,num);
int main()
int l=strlen(s);
return ;

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