$ kubeadm config images list
global | proxy in China |
dockerhub (docker.io) | dockerhub.azk8s.cn |
k8s.gcr.io |
quay.io | quay.azk8s.cn |
注意,因为k8s.gcr.io会重定向到gcr.io/google-containers,因此比如安装k8s所必须的镜像如 k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1
需要替换成 gcr.azk8s.cn/google-containers/pause:3.1
- https://github.com/Azure/container-service-for-azure-china/blob/master/aks/README.md
- 官网介绍
Container Registry
2.1 Azure Container Registry(ACR)
Azure Container Registry(ACR) provides storage of private Docker container images, enabling fast, scalable retrieval, and network-close deployment of container workloads on Azure.
ACR does not provide public anonymous access functionality on Azure China, this feature is in public preview on global Azure.
AKS has good integration with ACR, container image stored in ACR could be pulled in AKS after Configure ACR authentication.
2.2 Container Registry Proxy
Since some well known container registries like
are not accessible or very slow in China, we have set up container registry proxies on Azure China for public anonymous access:The first docker pull of new image will be still slow, and then image would be cached, would be much faster in the next docker pull action.
global proxy in China format example dockerhub(docker.io) dockerhub.azk8s.cn dockerhub.azk8s.cn/<repo-name>/<image-name>:<version>
gcr.io gcr.azk8s.cn gcr.azk8s.cn/<repo-name>/<image-name>:<version>
quay.io quay.azk8s.cn quay.azk8s.cn/<repo-name>/<image-name>:<version>
would redirect togcr.io/google-containers
, following image urls are identical:k8s.gcr.io/pause-amd64:3.1 gcr.io/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.1
Container Registry Proxy Example
in nginx-ingress chart since originalk8s.gcr.io
does not work in Azure China:helm install stable/nginx-ingress --set defaultBackend.image.repository=gcr.azk8s.cn/google_containers/defaultbackend --set defaultBackend.image.tag=1.4
3. Install kubectl
az aks install-cli
command is used to downloadkubectl
binary, it works on Azure China from version2.0.61
or later, another alternative is use following command to downloadkubectl
if don't have azure-cli:# docker run -v ${HOME}:/root -v /usr/local/bin/:/kube -it dockerhub.azk8s.cn/microsoft/azure-cli:2.0.61 root@09feb993f352:/# az cloud set --name AzureChinaCloud root@09feb993f352:/# az aks install-cli --install-location /kube/kubectl
sudo az aks install-cli
if hit following permission errorConnection error while attempting to download client ([Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/bin/kubectl'
4. Install helm
Follow detailed installation steps here.
- Example:
# Install wordpress helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm install bitnami/wordpress --set global.imageRegistry=dockerhub.azk8s.cn # Install nginx-ingress helm repo add stable https://mirror.azure.cn/kubernetes/charts/ helm install stable/nginx-ingress --set defaultBackend.image.repository=gcr.azk8s.cn/google_containers/defaultbackend
Note: All kubernetes related binaries on github could be found under https://mirror.azk8s.cn/kubernetes, e.g. helm, charts, etc.
5. Cluster autoscaler
Note: AKS integrated Cluster-autoscaler is not availalbe on Azure China now since it's still in Preview on Global Azure, instead following autoscaler is supported on Azure China now, it supports both VMAS and VMSS: Follow detailed steps in Cluster Autoscaler on Azure and in
config ofaks-cluster-autoscaler.yaml
instead ofgcr.io/google-containers/cluster-autoscaler:version
add following environment variable:
- name: ARM_CLOUD value: AzureChinaCloud
Here is the complete
config example.
Hands on
Known issues
- RBAC related issues(RABC is enabled on AKS cluster): https://github.com/andyzhangx/demo/blob/master/issues/rbac-issues.md
For production usage:
- agent VM size should have at least 8 CPU cores(e.g. D4_v2) since k8s components would also occupy CPU, memory resources on the node, details about AKS resource reservation.
- it's better set a bigger os disk size on agent VM in AKS cluster creation, e.g. set
--node-osdisk-size 128
, original 30GB os disk size is not enough since all images are stored on os disk.
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