import sys
import os,datetime
import time
def updateItem_new (self, originalItem, localtime):
#print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
GLOBAL_LOCALTIME = time.mktime(localtime)
"""updateItem - This is called by the processor prior to taskStart, crucially on the main thread.\n
This gives the task an opportunity to modify the original item on the main thread, rather than the clone."""
#if isinstance(self._item, (Sequence,TrackItem)):
#if isinstance(self._item, Clip):
timestamp = self.timeStampString(localtime)
tag = hiero.core.Tag("Transcode " + timestamp, "icons:Nuke.png")
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.path", self.resolvedExportPath())
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.localtime", str(localtime))
# Right now dont add the time to the metadata
# We would rather store the integer time than the stringified time stamp
#tag.setValue("time", timestamp)
# No point in adding script path if we're not planning on keeping the script
if self._preset.properties()["keepNukeScript"]:
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.script", self._scriptfile)
start, end = self.outputRange()
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.startframe", str(start))
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.duration", str(end-start+1))
frameoffset = self._startFrame if self._startFrame else 0
if hiero.core.isVideoFileExtension(os.path.splitext(self.resolvedExportPath())[1].lower()):
frameoffset = 0
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.frameoffset", str(frameoffset))
if self._cutHandles:
tag.metadata().setValue("tag.handles", str(self._cutHandles))
self._tag_guid = tag.guid()
# The guid of the tag attached to the trackItem is different from the tag instace we created
# Get the last tag in the list and store its guid
self._tag_guid = originalItem.tags()[-1].guid()
hiero.exporters.FnTranscodeExporter.TranscodeExporter.updateItem = updateItem_new
def postSequence_check(self):
#print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
#print self.__class__
#print self._filebase
if isinstance(self,hiero.exporters.FnTranscodeExporter.TranscodeExporter):
#print "yeah!"
#print self._root
#print self._shotPath
#print self._filebase
#print self._version
#print self._track
#print self.outputRange()
#print self.properties()
#print initDictionary
base_dir = self._root
base_dir = "/".join(base_dir.split('/')[0:-1])
print self._filebase
list = []
timestamplist = []
list = os.listdir(base_dir)
if len(list) > 0:
for i in range(0, len(list)):
path = os.path.join(base_dir,list[i])
if os.path.isfile(path):
path = os.path.join(base_dir, list[i])
if os.path.isdir(path):
timestamp = os.path.getmtime(path)
#print GLOBAL_LOCALTIME,min(timestamplist)
if GLOBAL_LOCALTIME > min(timestamplist):
print "(VHQ) This transcode task has some problem:" + self._filebase
print '(VHQ) This transcode task is OK!'
print "(VHQ) This transcode task has some problem:" + self._filebase
base_dir = self._filebase
#base_dir = "/".join(base_dir.split('/')[0:-1])
print base_dir
print str(self.__class__).strip('<').strip('>').strip("'").split('.')[-1] + ' is not transcode render task!'
hiero.core.FnExporterBase.TaskBase.postSequence = postSequence_check
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