Flink - watermark生成
参考,Flink - Generating Timestamps / Watermarks
watermark,只有在有window的情况下才用到,所以在window operator前加上assignTimestampsAndWatermarks即可
1. 首先,source可以发出watermark
我们就看看kafka source的实现
protected AbstractFetcher(
SourceContext<T> sourceContext,
List<KafkaTopicPartition> assignedPartitions,
SerializedValue<AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T>> watermarksPeriodic, //在创建KafkaConsumer的时候assignTimestampsAndWatermarks
SerializedValue<AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<T>> watermarksPunctuated,
ProcessingTimeService processingTimeProvider,
long autoWatermarkInterval, //env.getConfig().setAutoWatermarkInterval()
ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader,
boolean useMetrics) throws Exception
if (watermarksPeriodic == null) {
if (watermarksPunctuated == null) {
// simple case, no watermarks involved
timestampWatermarkMode = NO_TIMESTAMPS_WATERMARKS;
} else {
timestampWatermarkMode = PUNCTUATED_WATERMARKS;
} else {
if (watermarksPunctuated == null) {
timestampWatermarkMode = PERIODIC_WATERMARKS;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have both periodic and punctuated watermarks");
} // create our partition state according to the timestamp/watermark mode
this.allPartitions = initializePartitions(
watermarksPeriodic, watermarksPunctuated,
userCodeClassLoader); // if we have periodic watermarks, kick off the interval scheduler
if (timestampWatermarkMode == PERIODIC_WATERMARKS) { //如果是定期发出WaterMark
KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<?, ?>[] parts =
(KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<?, ?>[]) allPartitions; PeriodicWatermarkEmitter periodicEmitter=
new PeriodicWatermarkEmitter(parts, sourceContext, processingTimeProvider, autoWatermarkInterval);
public FlinkKafkaConsumerBase<T> assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> assigner) {
checkNotNull(assigner); if (this.punctuatedWatermarkAssigner != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A punctuated watermark emitter has already been set.");
try {
ClosureCleaner.clean(assigner, true);
this.periodicWatermarkAssigner = new SerializedValue<>(assigner);
return this;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given assigner is not serializable", e);
public interface AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> extends TimestampAssigner<T> {
Watermark getCurrentWatermark();
public interface TimestampAssigner<T> extends Function {
long extractTimestamp(T element, long previousElementTimestamp);
KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<T, KPH>[] partitions =
(KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<T, KPH>[])
new KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<?, ?>[assignedPartitions.size()]; int pos = 0;
for (KafkaTopicPartition partition : assignedPartitions) {
KPH kafkaHandle = createKafkaPartitionHandle(partition); AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> assignerInstance =
watermarksPeriodic.deserializeValue(userCodeClassLoader); partitions[pos++] = new KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<>(
partition, kafkaHandle, assignerInstance);
} return partitions;
public long getTimestampForRecord(T record, long kafkaEventTimestamp) {
return timestampsAndWatermarks.extractTimestamp(record, kafkaEventTimestamp);
} public long getCurrentWatermarkTimestamp() {
Watermark wm = timestampsAndWatermarks.getCurrentWatermark();
if (wm != null) {
partitionWatermark = Math.max(partitionWatermark, wm.getTimestamp());
return partitionWatermark;
private static class PeriodicWatermarkEmitter implements ProcessingTimeCallback { public void start() {
timerService.registerTimer(timerService.getCurrentProcessingTime() + interval, this); //start定时器,定时触发
} @Override
public void onProcessingTime(long timestamp) throws Exception { //触发逻辑 long minAcrossAll = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (KafkaTopicPartitionStateWithPeriodicWatermarks<?, ?> state : allPartitions) { //对于每个partitions // we access the current watermark for the periodic assigners under the state
// lock, to prevent concurrent modification to any internal variables
final long curr;
//noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
synchronized (state) {
curr = state.getCurrentWatermarkTimestamp(); //取出当前partition的WaterMark
} minAcrossAll = Math.min(minAcrossAll, curr); //求min,以partition中最小的partition作为watermark
} // emit next watermark, if there is one
if (minAcrossAll > lastWatermarkTimestamp) {
lastWatermarkTimestamp = minAcrossAll;
emitter.emitWatermark(new Watermark(minAcrossAll)); //emit
} // schedule the next watermark
timerService.registerTimer(timerService.getCurrentProcessingTime() + interval, this); //重新设置timer
2. DataStream也可以设置定时发送Watermark
* Assigns timestamps to the elements in the data stream and periodically creates
* watermarks to signal event time progress.
* <p>This method creates watermarks periodically (for example every second), based
* on the watermarks indicated by the given watermark generator. Even when no new elements
* in the stream arrive, the given watermark generator will be periodically checked for
* new watermarks. The interval in which watermarks are generated is defined in
* {@link ExecutionConfig#setAutoWatermarkInterval(long)}.
* <p>Use this method for the common cases, where some characteristic over all elements
* should generate the watermarks, or where watermarks are simply trailing behind the
* wall clock time by a certain amount.
* <p>For the second case and when the watermarks are required to lag behind the maximum
* timestamp seen so far in the elements of the stream by a fixed amount of time, and this
* amount is known in advance, use the
* {@link BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor}.
* <p>For cases where watermarks should be created in an irregular fashion, for example
* based on certain markers that some element carry, use the
* {@link AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks}.
* @param timestampAndWatermarkAssigner The implementation of the timestamp assigner and
* watermark generator.
* @return The stream after the transformation, with assigned timestamps and watermarks.
* @see AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks
* @see AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks
* @see #assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks)
public SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> timestampAndWatermarkAssigner) { // match parallelism to input, otherwise dop=1 sources could lead to some strange
// behaviour: the watermark will creep along very slowly because the elements
// from the source go to each extraction operator round robin.
final int inputParallelism = getTransformation().getParallelism();
final AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> cleanedAssigner = clean(timestampAndWatermarkAssigner); TimestampsAndPeriodicWatermarksOperator<T> operator =
new TimestampsAndPeriodicWatermarksOperator<>(cleanedAssigner); return transform("Timestamps/Watermarks", getTransformation().getOutputType(), operator)
public class TimestampsAndPeriodicWatermarksOperator<T>
extends AbstractUdfStreamOperator<T, AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T>>
implements OneInputStreamOperator<T, T>, Triggerable { private transient long watermarkInterval;
private transient long currentWatermark; public TimestampsAndPeriodicWatermarksOperator(AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T> assigner) {
super(assigner); //AbstractUdfStreamOperator(F userFunction)
this.chainingStrategy = ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS; //一定是chain
} @Override
public void open() throws Exception {
super.open(); currentWatermark = Long.MIN_VALUE;
watermarkInterval = getExecutionConfig().getAutoWatermarkInterval(); if (watermarkInterval > 0) {
registerTimer(System.currentTimeMillis() + watermarkInterval, this); //注册到定时器
} @Override
public void processElement(StreamRecord<T> element) throws Exception {
final long newTimestamp = userFunction.extractTimestamp(element.getValue(), //由element中基于AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks提取时间戳
element.hasTimestamp() ? element.getTimestamp() : Long.MIN_VALUE); output.collect(element.replace(element.getValue(), newTimestamp)); //更新element的时间戳,再次发出
} @Override
public void trigger(long timestamp) throws Exception { //定时器触发trigger
// register next timer
Watermark newWatermark = userFunction.getCurrentWatermark(); //取得watermark
if (newWatermark != null && newWatermark.getTimestamp() > currentWatermark) {
currentWatermark = newWatermark.getTimestamp();
// emit watermark
output.emitWatermark(newWatermark); //发出watermark
} registerTimer(System.currentTimeMillis() + watermarkInterval, this); //重新注册到定时器
} @Override
public void processWatermark(Watermark mark) throws Exception {
// if we receive a Long.MAX_VALUE watermark we forward it since it is used
// to signal the end of input and to not block watermark progress downstream
if (mark.getTimestamp() == Long.MAX_VALUE && currentWatermark != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
currentWatermark = Long.MAX_VALUE;
output.emitWatermark(mark); //forward watermark
可以看到在processElement会调用AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks.extractTimestamp提取event time
然后在Window Operator中,
public void processElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception {
final Collection<W> elementWindows = windowAssigner.assignWindows(
element.getValue(), element.getTimestamp(), windowAssignerContext);
对于watermark的处理,参考,Flink – window operator
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