



另一个思路是hook luaL_loadfilex,在运行时用另外一个函数替换luaL_loadfilex,由这个替换函数去记录下需要的信息




    * 首先,使用mprotect将luaL_loadfilex所在代码段设置为可读/可写/可执行,以避免在修改代码时出现段访问异常

    * 之后需要把luaL_loadfilex最前面的一段指令替换成一个跳转指令,跳转到替换函数中去执行.为了在替换函数执行


jmp hook
其余指令 <-------------------------------------------------|
hook: |
执行必要的记录 |
--保存的代码---- |
luaL_loadfilex中被替换的指令 |


    void* HookFunction(void* function, void* hook)
{ // Don't allow rehooking of the same function since that screws things up. assert(!GetIsHooked(function, hook)); if (GetIsHooked(function, hook))
return NULL;
} // Missing from windows.h
//#define HEAP_CREATE_ENABLE_EXECUTE 0x00040000 // Jump instruction is 5 bytes.
const int jumpSize = 5; // Compute the instruction boundary so we don't override half an instruction.
int boundary = GetInstructionBoundary(function, jumpSize); size_t pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
unsigned char* trampoline = NULL;
trampoline = (unsigned char*)/*aligned_alloc*/memalign(pagesize,pagesize);
if(mprotect(trampoline, pagesize, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC)){
return NULL;
} // Copy the original bytes to the trampoline area and append a jump back
// to the original function (after our jump). memcpy(trampoline, function, boundary);
AdjustRelativeJumps(trampoline, boundary, ((unsigned char*)function) - trampoline); WriteJump(trampoline + boundary, ((unsigned char*)function) + boundary); void *ptr = (void*)(((size_t)function/pagesize)*pagesize);
// Give ourself write access to the region.
if(!mprotect(ptr, pagesize, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC))
// Fill the area with nops and write the jump instruction to our
// hook function.
memset(function, 0x90, boundary);
WriteJump(function, hook); // Restore the original protections.
//VirtualProtect(function, boundary, protection, &protection);
mprotect(ptr, pagesize, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC);
// Flush the cache so we know that our new code gets executed.
//FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, NULL); return trampoline;
//return 0; } free(trampoline);
return NULL; //return -1;




* Writes a relative jmp instruction.
void WriteJump(void* dst, void* address)
{ unsigned char* jump = (unsigned char*)(dst); // Setup a jump instruction.
jump[0] = 0xE9;
*((unsigned long*)(&jump[1])) = (unsigned long)(address) - (unsigned long)(dst) - 5; }


在4字节的范围内.但我程序的运行环境是64位的,这个时候程序就出问题了, trampoline和luaL_loadfilex的位移差已经超过4个字节.这就导致



*   用FF指令做跳转,但这个方案要修改的地方就多了,除了` WriteJump`,还有`AdjustRelativeJumps`并且还会导致指令长度变长.

*   用static数据区保存luaL_loadfilex中被替换的指令,使得位移差被控制在4字节以内.


* Writes a relative jmp instruction.
void WriteJump(void* dst, void* address)
{ unsigned char* jump = (unsigned char*)(dst); // Setup a jump instruction.
jump[0] = 0xE9;
*((unsigned int*)(&jump[1])) = (unsigned int)((unsigned long)(address) - (unsigned long)(dst) - 5); } void* HookFunction(void* function, void* hook,void *saveaddr,size_t saveaddr_size)
{ // Don't allow rehooking of the same function since that screws things up. assert(!GetIsHooked(function, hook)); if (GetIsHooked(function, hook))
return NULL;
} // Missing from windows.h
//#define HEAP_CREATE_ENABLE_EXECUTE 0x00040000 // Jump instruction is 5 bytes.
const int jumpSize = 5; // Compute the instruction boundary so we don't override half an instruction.
int boundary = GetInstructionBoundary(function, jumpSize); if(saveaddr_size < (size_t)boundary) return NULL; size_t pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
if(mprotect(saveaddr, boundary, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC)){
return NULL;
} // Copy the original bytes to the trampoline area and append a jump back
// to the original function (after our jump). memcpy(saveaddr, function, boundary);
AdjustRelativeJumps(saveaddr, boundary, ((unsigned char*)function) - (unsigned char*)saveaddr); WriteJump(saveaddr + boundary, ((unsigned char*)function) + boundary); void *ptr = (void*)(((size_t)function/pagesize)*pagesize);
// Give ourself write access to the region.
if(!mprotect(ptr, pagesize, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC))
// Fill the area with nops and write the jump instruction to our
// hook function.
memset(function, 0x90, boundary);
WriteJump(function, hook); // Restore the original protections.
//VirtualProtect(function, boundary, protection, &protection);
mprotect(ptr, pagesize, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC);
// Flush the cache so we know that our new code gets executed.
//FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, NULL); return saveaddr;
//return 0; } return NULL; //return -1; }


    int (*ori_luaL_loadfilex)(lua_State *L, const char *filename,const char *mode) = NULL;

    int my_luaL_loadfilex(lua_State *L, const char *filename,const char *mode){
return ori_luaL_loadfilex(L,filename,mode);
} static char luaL_loadfilex_buf[4096] __attribute__((aligned(4096))); int debug_init(){
ori_luaL_loadfilex = HookFunction(luaL_loadfilex,my_luaL_loadfilex,luaL_loadfilex_buf,4096);
return -1;
return 0;

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