Icarscan VCI is definitely the update variation of Start iDiag
Start iCarScan is alternative of Super X431 iDiag, it’ll make your Android smartphone or tablet right into a experienced automotive analysis instrument. Just communication automotive’s OBDII socket via BlueTooth using an Android products, you could realize comprehensive devices and total purpose diagnosis, together with reading/ clearing hassle codes, information stream, actuation exam, adaptation, Eu coding & programming, oil reset, other special function.
In Conclusion:
1. Icarscan VCI will be the update edition of Start iDiag
2. Start iCarSoft VCI adds more local vehicle model, such as Japan, India, Russia etc
3. User are allowed to free download 5 demo software for Start iCarScan,
but iDiag auto scanner requires to buy software per brand.
4. Launch iCarScan improved some features that iDiag does not support, such as oil reset, Ecu coding, car key memory etc.
New MB Compact 4 Features
1. New MB SD Connect Compact 4 Star Diagnosis support wireless diagnose;
2. New MB SD Connect Compact 4 Star Prognosis not only support K line
diagnose and CAN BUS,but also UDS diagnose protocol. Because old MB STAR
C4 main board do not have UDS chip, so old MB SD C4 can not support it;
3. Multiplexer now use Lan cable to connect
4. Connector adopt Military quick swap technology, it can support 10,000 times pull plug, more stable;
5. All core accosseries adopt original new packing chip, and 24hours examination, guarantee the quality of the products;
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