
 Private Sub UIButtonControl1_Click()
Dim pApp As IApplication
Set pApp = Application
Dim pDoc As IMxDocument
Set pDoc = pApp.Document
Dim pMap As IMap
Set pMap = pDoc.FocusMap
Dim pLayer As ILayer
Set pLayer = pDoc.SelectedLayer If (pLayer Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "请选择要计算的图层!": Exit Sub
Dim pFeatLayer As IFeatureLayer
Set pFeatLayer = pLayer Dim pFeatClass As IFeatureClass
Set pFeatClass = pFeatLayer.FeatureClass Dim outStr As String Select Case pFeatClass.ShapeType '1为point,3为polyline,4为polygon
MsgBox ("当前图层为点图层")
Call compoint(pFeatClass, outStr)
MsgBox ("当前图层为面图层")
Call compolyline(pFeatClass, outStr)
MsgBox ("当前图层为面图层")
Call compolygon(pFeatClass, outStr)
Case Else
End Select Dim msgStr() As String
Dim maxi As Integer
ReDim Preserve msgStr()
maxi = -
For i = To CInt((Len(outStr) / ))
maxi = maxi +
ReDim Preserve msgStr(maxi)
msgStr(maxi) = Mid(outStr, * i + , )
For i = To UBound(msgStr) -
MsgBox (msgStr(i))
Next End Sub
Private Function compoint(pFeatClass As IFeatureClass, ByRef outStr As String)
Dim pPnt As IPoint Dim pFeatCursor As IFeatureCursor
Set pFeatCursor = pFeatClass.Search(Nothing, False) Dim pFeature As IFeature
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
Dim sName As String
Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
Set pPnt = pFeature.Shape
sName = pFeature.Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField("CITY_NAME"))
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
outStr = outStr + sName + ": " + Str(pPnt.X) + "," + Str(pPnt.Y)
If pPnt.Z <> Null Then outStr = outStr + Str(pPnt.Z)
outStr = outStr + vbNewLine
Loop End Function
Private Function compolyline(pFeatClass As IFeatureClass, ByRef outStr As String)
Dim pPolyline As IPolyline
Dim pFeatCursor As IFeatureCursor
Set pFeatCursor = pFeatClass.Search(Nothing, False)
Dim pFeature As IFeature
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
Dim itab As Integer
Dim sName As String Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
itab = + itab
Set pPolyline = pFeature.Shape
sName = pFeature.Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField("NAME"))
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
outStr = outStr + "元素" + CStr(itab) + ": " + sName + ",长度为:" + Str(pPolyline.Length) + ";" + vbNewLine
Loop End Function
87// 获取多边形图层信息等属性信息
Private Function compolygon(pFeatClass As IFeatureClass, ByRef outStr As String)
Dim pArea As IArea
Dim pPolygon As IPolygon
Dim pFeatCursor As IFeatureCursor
Set pFeatCursor = pFeatClass.Search(Nothing, False)
Dim pPnt As IPoint
Dim pFeature As IFeature
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
Dim sName As String
Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
Set pPolygon = pFeature.Shape
Set pArea = pPolygon
Set pPnt = pArea.Centroid
sName = pFeature.Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField("STATE_NAME"))
Set pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
outStr = outStr + sName + ": " + _
"周长是:" + Str(pPolygon.Length) + _
",面积是:" + Str(pArea.Area) + _
",重心是:(" + Str(pPnt.X) + "," + Str(pPnt.Y) + ")"
If pPnt.Z <> Null Then outStr = outStr + Str(pPnt.Z)
outStr = outStr + vbNewLine
Loop End Function


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