


I don' t think Uber, Airbnb, and Instacart are anomalies in the way a lot of people tend to view them. I think they' re just a preview of what' s to come.
我不认为许多人会看待Uber, Airbnb, 和Instacart是异常现象. 我认为他们仅仅是即将到来事物的预演.

The biggest reason I got excited about Uber years ago, was because I realized that it wasn' t about transportation. This is about a company that sells me back time.
我对Uber多年以前感到兴奋最大的原因, 是我意识到它并不关乎运输, 而是关于一个公司把我的时间卖回给我.

When it comes to business, time is your number one asset. In order of magnitude, we as a society literally care about the health our loved ones, money, and then time. It' s number three on that list. And if you really think about it, it' s stunning to watch people' s behaviors around the things they most value.
谈及商业, 时间是首要资产. 我们作为一个社会,我们简直太关心所爱人的健康, 金钱, 以及时间. 这些按照顺序递增. 然而如果你真的开始思考, 人们围绕他们最有价值的事情所作的行为令人印象深刻.

I had literally boycotted LA for four years when I was starting VaynerMedia because I didn' t want to have to hassle with the time it took to rent a car and get around. It was just too much of an investment. I valued my time so much that I didn' t even consider visiting. I love time. Uber gave me that time back.
我曾经抵制过LA很多年, 在我创立VaynerMedia时. 因为我不想麻烦花时间去租车和出行. 作为投资这太多了. 我如此珍惜时间, 以至于根本没考虑出门. 我爱时间. Uber给回了我这些时间.

Time is everyone' s number one asset.

We love time so much we don' t even think about it. Think about the last time your phone or your computer was a hundredth of a second slower than what you' re used to on WiFi and how much you cursed and got pissed off. That' s how much we like and crave time. It' s a huge theme that will play itself out and should be really understood by those of you who are looking for a place to play with new businesses.
我们如此爱时间但我们并没有思考它. 想想上次你的手机或电脑有那么百分之一秒的慢于你过去用WiFi时, 你有多诅咒多愤怒. 我们这么喜欢和渴望时间, 那些正在寻找新业务的人应该真的明白这本身就是一个巨大的主题.

Being able to buy and sell back time is what some of the most successful startups over the last 3 years have done. They capitalize on our craving to get back the time we have to spend on the things we don' t want to do. If you' re thinking in start-up mode, and looking for an inspirational seed as a starting point, I highly recommend thinking about time. People will massively overpay for it. And if you can figure out that trade off, you' re putting your business in a good position.
能够让用户付费卖回给用户时间, 这是许多最成功创业公司近3年所做的. 我们对换回我们被迫花费在我们不期望事情上时间的渴望, 被他们转化为资本. 如果你用创业模式思考, 并且在寻找一个有灵感的种子作为出发点, 我强烈建议考虑下时间. 人们会大量为其多付钱. 如果你能想出那个交易, 你的生意将会被置于有利地位.


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