Sequence of triggers fires on Commit.

1.  KEY Commit
2.  Pre Commit
3.  Pre/On/Post Delete
4.  Pre/On/Post Update
5.  Pre/On/Post Insert
6.  On commit
7.  Post Database Commit

Sequence of triggers fires when Form is opened and closed.

On Open
1.  Pre-Logon
2.  On-Logon     
3.  Post-Logon                         
4.  Pre-Form                           
5.  When-Create-Record             
6.  Pre-Block                         
7.  Pre-Record                         
8.  Pre-Text-Item                     
9.  When-New-Form-Instance   
10. When-New-Block-Instance   
11. When-New-Record-Instance 
12. When-New-Item-Instance
On Close 
1.  Post-Text-Item                 
2.  Post-Record                     
3.  Post-Block                       
4.  Post-Form                       
5.  On-Rollback                   
6.  Pre-Logout                     
7.  On-Logout                     
8.  Post-Logout                   

Sequence of triggers fires when Navigating from one item to another.

1. Key-next
2. Post Change
3. When validate
4. Post text
5. Pre text
6. When new item instance

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  3. Pre-Update and Pre-Insert Trigger Examples For Oracle Forms

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  4. Using Post-Form Trigger In Oracle Forms

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  5. Writing On-Error Trigger In Oracle Forms

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  8. An Example Of Validating Text Item In Oracle Forms Using When-Validate-Item Trigger

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  9. Define Custom Data Filter Using Pre-Query Trigger In Oracle Forms

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