[算法 笔记]2014年去哪儿网 开发笔试(续)第一题BUG修正
1. 将连续重复的多个’/’字符视为一个。例如,”/abac/def//////ef”->”/abac/def/ef”。
2. 根目录的开始字符为’/’,并且根目录的上级目录以及上上级目录都是本身。例如,”/../../../”->”/”。
3. 字符’.’作为后缀名的分割符号出现。例如,”/abc/ef.gif”->”/abc/ef.gif”
4. 以字符’/’作为起始字符。
// preprocess.
while ( index < len )
// merge duplicate character -- '/'
for ( cnt = ;
index < len && path[index] == '/';
++index, ++cnt );
if ( cnt > )
tmp_path[top++] = '/';
} // delete only dot
for ( cnt = ;
index < len && path[index] == '.';
++index, ++cnt );
// Case 1: delete one dot.
if ( top > && tmp_path[top - ] == '/' && cnt == )
// Case 2: copy two dots.
else if ( cnt == )
index -= cnt;
// Case 3: if more than two dots, it is error.
else if ( cnt > )
fprintf( stderr, "Error.\n" );
// Remember: after free memory, this function could leave.
free( tmp_path ), tmp_path = NULL;
free( result ), result = NULL;
return NULL;
} // copy other characters.
while ( index < len && path[index] != '/' )
tmp_path[top++] = path[index++];
// Case 1: the number of '.' is 2;
if ( top > && cnt == )
while ( --top > && result[top] != '/' );
// Case 2: "game.gif"
else if ( top > && result[top - ] != '/' && cnt == )
result[top++] = '.';
// Case 3: "/../../../" -> "/"
else if ( top == )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h> char *normalize_path( const char *path )
char *result = NULL;
char *tmp_path = NULL;
int top = ;
int cnt = ;
int index = ;
int len = ; assert( path != NULL && path[index] != '\0' && path[index] == '/' );
len = strlen( path );
result = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * (len + ) );
assert( result != NULL ); tmp_path = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * (len + ) );
if ( tmp_path == NULL )
free( result ), result = NULL;
return NULL;
} // preprocess.
while ( index < len )
// merge duplicate character -- '/'
for ( cnt = ;
index < len && path[index] == '/';
++index, ++cnt );
if ( cnt > )
tmp_path[top++] = '/';
} // delete only dot
for ( cnt = ;
index < len && path[index] == '.';
++index, ++cnt );
// Case 1: delete one dot.
if ( top > && tmp_path[top - ] == '/' && cnt == )
// Case 2: copy two dots.
else if ( cnt == )
index -= cnt;
// Case 3: if more than two dots, it is error.
else if ( cnt > )
fprintf( stderr, "Error.\n" );
// Remember: after free memory, this function could leave.
free( tmp_path ), tmp_path = NULL;
free( result ), result = NULL;
return NULL;
} // copy other characters.
while ( index < len && path[index] != '/' )
tmp_path[top++] = path[index++];
} // other operators.
tmp_path[top] = '\0';
len = top;
for ( index = , top = ; index < len; )
// copy other characters except '.'
while ( index < len && tmp_path[index] != '.' )
result[top++] = tmp_path[index++];
} // count of point
for ( cnt = ; index < len && tmp_path[index] == '.'; ++index, ++cnt ); // Case 1: the number of '.' is 2;
if ( top > && cnt == )
while ( --top > && result[top] != '/' );
// Case 2: "game.gif"
else if ( top > && result[top - ] != '/' && cnt == )
result[top++] = '.';
// Case 3: "/../../../" -> "/"
else if ( top == )
} }
result[top] = '\0'; // free memory
free( tmp_path ), tmp_path = NULL; return result;
} void output( const char *path )
char *result = NULL; result = normalize_path( path );
printf( "Original is %s\nResult is %s\n\n", path, result );
free( result ), result = NULL; free( result );
result = NULL;
} int main()
char *path1 = "/home/news/./../tmp/game/../";
char *path2 = "/../../../abc";
char *path3 = "/game/gif.big";
char *path4 = "///abc//..//edf/game.f"; output( path1 );
output( path2 );
output( path3 );
output( path4 ); return ;
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