. Remember: you are writing for an expert. Cross out all that is trivial or routine. 

 . Avoid repetition: do not  repeat the assumptions of a theorem at the beginning of its proof, or  a complicated conclusion at the end of the proof. Do not repeat the assumptionos of a previous theorem in the statement of a next one (instand, write e.g."Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1 with f replaced by g,.....").  Do not repeat the same formula -- use a  label instead.

 . Check all formulas: is each of them necessary?

General rules

We denote by $\mathbb{R}$  the set of all real numbers.

We have the following lemma.

The following lemma will be useful.

...... the following inequality is satisfied: 

Phrases you can cross out

We denote by $\mathbb{R}$  the set of all real numbers.

We have the following lemma.

The following lemma will be useful.

...... the following inequality is satisfied:

 Let $\varepsilon$ be an arbitrary but fixed positive number $\Rrightarrow$ Fix  $\varepsilon>$

 Let us fix arbitrarily $x\in X$ $\Rrightarrow$ Fix  $x\in X$

 Let us first observe that  $\Rrightarrow$  First observe that

 We will first compute   $\Rrightarrow$  We first compute

 Hence we have $x=$    $\Rrightarrow$  Hence $x=$

 Hence it follows that  $x=$    $\Rrightarrow$  Hence $x=$

 Taking into account ()   $\Rrightarrow$  By ()

 By virtue of ()   $\Rrightarrow$  By ()

 By relation ()   $\Rrightarrow$  By ()

 In the interval $[,]$   $\Rrightarrow$  in $[,]$

 There exists a  function $f\in C(X)$   $\Rrightarrow$  There exists $f\in C(X)$

 For every point $p\in M$   $\Rrightarrow$ For every $p\in M$

 It is defined by the formula $F(x)=......$   $\Rrightarrow$  It is defined by $F(x)=......$

 Theorem  and Theorem    $\Rrightarrow$  Theorems  and 

 This follows from (),(),() and ()   $\Rrightarrow$  This follows from ()-()

 For details see  [],[] and []   $\Rrightarrow$  For details see []-[]

 The derivative with respect to $t$   $\Rrightarrow$  The $t-$ derivative

 A function of class $C^$   $\Rrightarrow$  A $C^$ function

 For arbitrary $x$   $\Rrightarrow$  For all $x$ (For every  $x$)

 In the case $n=$   $\Rrightarrow$  For $n=$

 This leads to  a constradiction with the maximality of $f$   $\Rrightarrow$  .....,contrary to the maximality of $f$

 Applying Lemma  we conclude that   $\Rrightarrow$  Lemma  shows that ......, which completes the proof  $\Rrightarrow$ .......$\Box$

Phrases you can shorten

Let $\varepsilon$ be an arbitrary but fixed positive number $\Rrightarrow$ Fix  $\varepsilon>0$

Let us fix arbitrarily $x\in X$ $\Rrightarrow$ Fix  $x\in X$

Let us first observe that  $\Rrightarrow$  First observe that

We will first compute   $\Rrightarrow$  We first compute

Hence we have $x=1$    $\Rrightarrow$  Hence $x=1$

Hence it follows that  $x=1$    $\Rrightarrow$  Hence $x=1$

Taking into account (4)   $\Rrightarrow$  By (4)

By virtue of (4)   $\Rrightarrow$  By (4)

By relation (4)   $\Rrightarrow$  By (4)

In the interval $[0,1]$   $\Rrightarrow$  in $[0,1]$

There exists a  function $f\in C(X)$   $\Rrightarrow$  There exists $f\in C(X)$

For every point $p\in M$   $\Rrightarrow$ For every $p\in M$

It is defined by the formula $F(x)=......$   $\Rrightarrow$  It is defined by $F(x)=......$

Theorem 2 and Theorem 5   $\Rrightarrow$  Theorems 2 and 5

This follows from (4),(5),(6) and (7)   $\Rrightarrow$  This follows from (4)-(7)

For details see  [3],[4] and [5]   $\Rrightarrow$  For details see [3]-[5]

The derivative with respect to $t$   $\Rrightarrow$  The $t-$ derivative

A function of class $C^2$   $\Rrightarrow$  A $C^2$ function

For arbitrary $x$   $\Rrightarrow$  For all $x$ (For every  $x$)

In the case $n=5$   $\Rrightarrow$  For $n=5$

This leads to  a constradiction with the maximality of $f$   $\Rrightarrow$  .....,contrary to the maximality of $f$

Applying Lemma 1 we conclude that   $\Rrightarrow$  Lemma 1 shows that ......, which completes the proof  $\Rrightarrow$ .......$\Box$

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