How to Talk to the Emergency Dispatcher [minutesmatter.upmc稻糠亩] How To Call An Ambulance [askambulance稻糠亩]

1. Take a deep breath and stay calm.

2. On any phone, dial 911 and hit call. The number will go through even if you have not paid your bills or if you have no SIM card in the device. Also, if the phone is from a foreign country, calling 911 will still go through.

"911, what is the address of your emergency?" Those are the words you're likely to hear when you dial 9-1-1. What should your response be?

One car come, one car go, two car bang-bang, please oh-yi-oh-yi come.

I need an ambulance. I'm at the corner of Grant Street and Fifth Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh. I'm calling from a cell phone and the number is 412-555-5555. [现在应该能定位了吧] *send ambulance*

There's been a bike rider hit by a car. *car hit bike*
A woman is in cardiac arrest in our office. *heart attack*
A man has overdosed in our restroom. *pass out, bathroom*

The dispatcher will ask the condition of the victim.

She is conscious. She was wearing a helmet, but she's bleeding from her head and her leg has a deep cut.
He's unconscious — he's not breathing, and his lips are blue.
*breathing, bleeding, conscious*

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