

Java Virtual Machine instructions do not rely on the run-time layout of classes, interfaces, class instances, or arrays. Instead, instructions refer to symbolic information in the constant_pool table.


All constant_pool table entries have the following general format:


cp_info {
u1 tag;
u1 info[];

Each item in the constant_pool table must begin with a 1-byte tag indicating the kind of cp_info entry. The contents of the info array vary with the value of tag. The valid tags and their values are listed in Table 4.4-A. Each tag byte must be followed by two or more bytes giving information about the specific constant. The format of the additional information varies with the tag value.



4.4.1. The CONSTANT_Class_info Structure

CONSTANT_Class_info 的结构:

The CONSTANT_Class_info structure is used to represent a class or an interface:


The items of the CONSTANT_Class_info structure are as follows:

CONSTANT_Class_info 结构的条目如下:


The tag item has the value CONSTANT_Class (7).

tag项的值为CONSTANT_Class (7).


The value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure (§4.4.7) representing a valid binary class or interface name encoded in internal form (§4.2.1).


Because arrays are objects, the opcodes anewarray and multianewarray - but not the opcode new - can reference array "classes" via CONSTANT_Class_info structures in the constant_pool table. For such array classes, the name of the class is the descriptor of the array type (§4.3.2).

因为数组是对象,操作码anewarray 和multianewarray -但不是操作码new -能够通过本结构体来引用数组类型。对于这样的数组类型,类的名字是数组类型的描述符。


An array type descriptor is valid only if it represents 255 or fewer dimensions.



4.4.2. The CONSTANT_Fieldref_infoCONSTANT_Methodref_info, and CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info Structures

Fields, methods, and interface methods are represented by similar structures:


The items of these structures are as follows:



The tag item of a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_Fieldref (9).

The tag item of a CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_Methodref (10).

The tag item of a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info structure has the valueCONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref (11).

CONSTANT_Fieldref_info 中的tag值为CONSTANT_Fieldref 。

CONSTANT_Methodref_info 中的tag值为CONSTANT_Methodref 。

CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info 中的tag值为valueCONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref


The value of the class_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. Theconstant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Class_info structure (§4.4.1) representing a class or interface type that has the field or method as a member.

The class_index item of a CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure must be a class type, not an interface type.

The class_index item of a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info structure must be an interface type.

The class_index item of a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info structure may be either a class type or an interface type.



   CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info 中的class_index必须是接口。



  The value of the name_and_type_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. Theconstant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure (§4.4.6). This constant_pool entry indicates the name and descriptor of the field or method.

  In a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info, the indicated descriptor must be a field descriptor (§4.3.2). Otherwise, the indicated descriptor must be a method descriptor (§4.3.3).

  If the name of the method of a CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure begins with a '<' ('\u003c'), then the name must be the special name <init>, representing an instance initialization method (§2.9). The return type of such a method must be void.

  name_and_type_index 的值必须是常量表中的有效索引。其值必须是CONSTANT_NameAndType_info结构体。这个条目标识字段或者方法的名字和描述符。


  如果CONSTANT_Methodref_info 的方法名字以'<' 开头,那么这个名字一定是<init>,代表对象的初始化方法。返回值必须为void。

4.4.3. The CONSTANT_String_info Structure

The CONSTANT_String_info structure is used to represent constant objects of the type String:

CONSTANT_String_info 结构体用来代表字符串常量:

The items of the CONSTANT_String_info structure are as follows:


The tag item of the CONSTANT_String_info structure has the value CONSTANT_String (8).



The value of the string_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure (§4.4.7) representing the sequence of Unicode code points to which the String object is to be initialized.

值必须为常量表有效索引。必须是一个CONSTANT_Utf8_info 结构体,代表unicode序列,指向将被初始化的String对象


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