- 作业结果详细
import java.util.Scanner; /**
* @Author liguo
* @Description
* @Data 2018-04-03
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {
int year;
int month;
int[] a = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12};
int[] b = {4, 6, 9, 11};
Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );
year = in.nextInt();
month = in.nextInt();
if (month == 2) {
if (year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0 || year % 400 == 0)
System.out.println( year + "-" + month + "-29" );
System.out.println( year + "-" + month + "-28" );
for (int element : a) {
if (month == element) {
System.out.println( year + "-" + month + "-31" );
for (int element : b) {
if (month == element) {
System.out.println( year + "-" + month + "-30" );
从键盘上读入一个百分制成绩x(0 < = x < = 100),将其转换为等级制成绩输出。本题在C语言和Java语言中要求使用switch分支实现。等级制成绩(百分制成绩)
import java.util.Scanner; /**
* @Author liguo
* @Description 从键盘上读入一个百分制成绩x(0 < = x < = 100),
* 将其转换为等级制成绩输出。本题在C语言和Java语言中要求使用switch分支实现。
* 等级制成绩(百分制成绩)
* A(90<=x<=100)
* B(80<=x<90)
* C(70<=x<80)
* D(60<=x<70)
* E(0<=x<60)
* @Data 2018-04-03
public class Main { static void judge(int mark) {
char degree = 'A';
int temp = mark / 10;
if (temp >= 0 && temp < 6)
degree = 'E';
if (temp == 6)
degree = 'D';
if (temp == 7)
degree = 'C';
if (temp == 8)
degree = 'B';
if (temp == 9 || temp == 10)
degree = 'A';
System.out.println( mark + "--" + degree );
} public static void main(String[] args) {
int temp;
Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );
int x = in.nextInt();
temp = x / 10;
if (temp >= 0 && temp < 6)
temp = 5;
switch (temp) {
case 5:
judge( x );
case 6:
judge( x );
case 7:
judge( x );
case 9:
judge( x );
case 10:
judge( x );
用if语句求解分段函数 得分:10 / 10
import java.util.Scanner; /**
* @Author liguo
* @Description分段函数求解:输入 x ,计算并输出 y 的值:
* y=x+100 ( 当 x < 20)
* y= x ( 当 2 0 ≤ x ≤ 100)
* y=x-100 ( 当 x > 100)
* @Data 2018-04-03
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {
double x, y;
Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );
x = in.nextDouble();
if (x < 20)
y = x + 100;
else if (x >= 20 && x <= 100)
y = x;
y = x - 100;
System.out.printf( "x=%.2f,y=%.2f", x, y ); }
2-2 混合类型数据格式化输入 得分:10 / 10
import java.util.Scanner; /**
* @Author liguo
* @Description 输入在一行中顺序给出浮点数1、整数、字符、浮点数2,其间以1个空格分隔。
* 输入描述
* 输入在一行中顺序给出浮点数1、整数、字符、浮点数2,其间以1个空格分隔。
* 输出描述
* 在一行中按照字符、整数、浮点数1、浮点数2的顺序输出,其中浮点数保留小数点后2位。
* @Data 2018-04-03
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );
double d1 = in.nextDouble();
int i = in.nextInt();
String s = in.next();
char c = s.charAt( 0 );
double d2 = in.nextDouble();
System.out.printf( "%c %d %.2f %.2f", c, i, d1, d2 );
import java.util.Scanner;
* @Author liguo
* @Description 从键盘输入任意一个三位数的整数,请编写程序计算这个整数的数位和。
* @Data 2018-04-03
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner( System.in );
int temp = in.nextInt();
temp = Math.abs(temp);
int a = temp/100;
int b = temp /10%10;
int c = temp %10;
int sum = a+b+c;
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