About A Scam
Dear Friend
In view,I am Mr.Tep Sereyan the branch manager of our bank,I considered it worthwhile to clarify you more on this issue before we proceed,I want to inform you that I concluded to work with you in this transaction hoping that we will get long in truth and spirit with no intention to cheat at any point in time,I contacted you in this matter based on the fact that you bear the same surname with our late customer and of the same nationality since I had sought for the relatives without success and instead of this fund being confiscated by the the bank and corrupt Government officials,I seek your consent to present you as the Next of kin based on the fact that I am the bank manager to my late client until his death and Whosoever I present to the bank as the next of Kin will certainly Inherits the fund.
Mr.Tep Sereyan.
Whatasup ±855 92690700
经查 +855为 柬埔寨国际长途电话区号
"Tep sereyan"tepsereyanbk@gmail.com;
Good day,
I have emailed you earlier without a response.In my first email I mentioned about my late client whose relatives I can not get in touch with.But both of you have the same last name so it will be very easy to make you become his official next of kin. I am compelled to do this because I would not want the bank to push my late client's funds amount 10.5 million dollars into the bank treasury as unclaimed inheritance.If you are interested you do let me know.
Yours faithfully,
Barrister Migi Akakm
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Please carefully review the following Scam-O-Matic results:
- This email looks like a next of kin scam.
- The following phrases should put you on alert:
- "dear friend":
a common phrase found in 419 scams - "very confidential":
scammers urge victims to keep the transaction secret because they don't want anyone to point out to them that it is a scam
- "dear friend":
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