


 #include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; int main() {
int t;
cin >> t;
while (t--) {
int n;
cin >> n;
string ch1, ch2;
cin >> ch1;
sort(ch1.begin(), ch1.end());
bool flag = true;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++) {
cin >> ch2;
sort(ch2.begin(), ch2.end());
for (int j = ; j < n; j++) if (ch1[j] > ch2[j]) flag = false;
//if (ch1 > ch2) flag = false;
swap(ch1, ch2);
if (flag) cout << "YES\n";
else cout << "NO\n";
} return ;



 #include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; int work(int m, int d) {
int res = , t = ;
while (d) {
if (d % >= m) return -;
res += (d % ) * t;
d /= ;
t *= m;
return res;
} int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
map<int, int> mmap;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++) {
int m, d;
cin >> m >> d;
int x = work(m, d);
if (x != -) mmap[x]++;
long long res = ;
for (map<int, int>::iterator it = mmap.begin(); it != mmap.end(); it++) res += (long long)(it->second) * (it->second - ) / ;
cout << res << endl;
return ;




 #include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; const int MAX_N = ;
const int MOD = 1e9 + ;
typedef long long LL;
int H[MAX_N], C[MAX_N], dp[<<];
int c[<<][MAX_N]; int lowbit(int x) {
return x & -x;
} int sum(int id, int x) {
int res = ;
while (x > ) {
res += c[id][x];
if (res >= MOD) res -= MOD;
x -= lowbit(x);
return res;
} void add(int id, int x, int v) {
while (x <= MAX_N - ) {
c[id][x] += v;
if (c[id][x] >= MOD) c[id][x] -= MOD;
x += lowbit(x);
} int main() {
int N, K;
cin >> N >> K;
for (int i = ; i <= N; i++) {
cin >> H[i] >> C[i];
} for (int i = ; i <= N; i++) {
for (int j = ; j < (<<K); j++) {
int x = j | (<<C[i]);
dp[j] = sum(j, H[i] - );
//add(x, H[i], s);
for (int j = ; j < (<<K); j++) add(j | (<<C[i]), H[i], dp[j]);
add(<<C[i], H[i], );
cout << sum((<<K) - , MAX_N - ) << endl; return ;



> File Name: Burger_Happiness.cpp
> Author: Stomach_ache
> Mail: sudaweitong@gmail.com
> Created Time: 2014?11?14? ??? 18?12?10?
> Propose: /Hackerrank/Contest/101 Hack October 14
************************************************************************/ #include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
/*Let's fight!!!*/ typedef long long LL;
const LL INF = 1LL << ;
const int MOD = 1e9 + ;
const int MAX_N = 1e5 + ;
#define lson(x) (x<<1)
#define rson(x) ((x<<1) | 1)
struct Node {
int l, r;
LL lazy;
LL mmax;
void set(int ll, int rr) {
l = ll;
r = rr;
mmax = ;
lazy = ;
}; struct SegmentTree {
Node tr[MAX_N*]; void build(int rt, int l, int r) {
tr[rt].set(l, r);
if (l != r) {
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
build(lson(rt), l, mid);
build(rson(rt), mid + , r);
} void pushdown(int rt) {
tr[rt].mmax += tr[rt].lazy;
if (tr[rt].l != tr[rt].r) {
tr[lson(rt)].lazy += tr[rt].lazy;
tr[rson(rt)].lazy += tr[rt].lazy;
tr[rt].lazy = ;
} void pushup(int rt) {
tr[rt].mmax = max(tr[lson(rt)].mmax, tr[rson(rt)].mmax);
} // add v to [l, r]
void update(int rt, int l, int r, int v) {
if (r < tr[rt].l || l > tr[rt].r) return ;
if (tr[rt].l >= l && tr[rt].r <= r) {
tr[rt].lazy = v;
} else {
update(lson(rt), l, r, v);
update(rson(rt), l, r, v);
} // query maximum value in [l, r]
LL query(int rt, int l, int r) {
if (r < tr[rt].l || l > tr[rt].r) return -INF;
if (tr[rt].l >= l && tr[rt].r <= r) {
return tr[rt].mmax;
return max(query(lson(rt), l, r), query(rson(rt), l, r));
}; SegmentTree T1; // stores maximum f(x) + s[x - 1]
SegmentTree T2; // stores maximum f(x) - s[x] int A[MAX_N], B[MAX_N], X[MAX_N];
int main(void) {
int N;
cin >> N;
vector<int> arr;
for (int i = ; i < N; i++) {
cin >> X[i] >> A[i] >> B[i];
sort (arr.begin(), arr.end());
arr.erase(unique(arr.begin(), arr.end()), arr.end());
T1.build(, , N); T2.build(, , N);
for (int i = ; i < N; i++) {
X[i] = lower_bound(arr.begin(), arr.end(), X[i]) - arr.begin() + ;
} LL res = ;
for (int i = ; i < N; i++) {
LL s = -T2.query(, X[i], X[i]); // s[x], since f[x] = 0
LL s1 = T1.query(, X[i], X[i]); // s[x - 1]
// case p < x
LL res1 = -s + A[i] + T1.query(, , X[i]-);
// case p > x
LL res2 = s1 + A[i] + T2.query(, X[i]+, N);
// case beginning from x
LL res3 = A[i];
F[X[i]] = max(max(res1, res2), res3); T1.update(, X[i], X[i], F[X[i]]);
T1.update(, X[i]+, N, B[i]); T2.update(, X[i], X[i], F[X[i]]);
T2.update(, X[i], N, -B[i]); res = max(res, F[X[i]]);
cout << res << endl; return ;



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