time limit per test

5 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Berland amusement park shooting gallery is rightly acknowledged as one of the best in the world. Every day the country's best shooters master their skills there and the many visitors compete in clay pigeon shooting to win decent prizes. And the head of the
park has recently decided to make an online version of the shooting gallery. During the elaboration process it turned out that the program that imitates the process of shooting effectively, is needed. To formulate the requirements to the program, the shooting
gallery was formally described. A 3D Cartesian system of coordinates was introduced, where the X axis ran across the gallery floor
along the line, along which the shooters are located, the Y axis ran vertically along the gallery wall and the positive direction
of the Z axis matched the shooting direction. Let's call the XOY plane
a shooting plane and let's assume that all the bullets are out of the muzzles at the points of this area and fly parallel to the Z axis.
Every clay pigeon can be represented as a rectangle whose sides are parallel to X and Y axes,
and it has a positive z-coordinate. The distance between a clay pigeon and the shooting plane is always different for every target.
The bullet hits the target if it goes through the inner area or border of the rectangle corresponding to it. When the bullet hits the target, the target falls down vertically into the crawl-space of the shooting gallery and cannot be shot at any more. The
targets are tough enough, that's why a bullet can not pierce a target all the way through and if a bullet hits a target it can't fly on. In input the simulator program is given the arrangement of all the targets and also of all the shots in the order of their
appearance. The program should determine which target was hit by which shot. If you haven't guessed it yet, you are the one who is to write such a program.


The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105)
— the number of targets. Each of the subsequent n lines contains the description of a target. The target is described by five integers xl, xr, yl, yr, z,
that determine it's location in space (0 ≤ xl < xr ≤ 107, 0 ≤ yl < yr ≤ 107, 0 < z ≤ 107).
The next line contains an integer m (1 ≤ m ≤ 105),
determining the number of shots. Then in m lines shots are described. Every shot is determined by the coordinates of a bullet on the
shooting plane (x, y) (0 ≤ x, y ≤ 107,
the coordinates of bullets are integers). The shots are given in the order of their firing. The intervals between shots are large enough, and a target falls very quickly, that's why assume that a falling target can not be an obstruction for all the shots following
the one that hit it.


For every shot in the single line print the number of the target which the shot has hit, or 0, if the bullet did not hit any target. The targets are numbered starting from 1 in the order in which they were given in the input data.

1 4 1 4 1
2 5 2 6 2
0 0
3 3
4 5
3 5













#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 105000;
const int INF = 2100000000; struct target
int mi_n[2], ma_x[2], z, n;
}; struct point
int min, n, dot, d[2],fa,l,r;
}; int n, m, root, now, txl, txr, tyl, tyr, ans[MAXN] = { 0 }; target rec[MAXN];
point t[MAXN]; void input_data()
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &rec[i].mi_n[0], &rec[i].ma_x[0], &rec[i].mi_n[1], &rec[i].ma_x[1], &rec[i].z);
rec[i].n = i;
scanf("%d", &m);
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
scanf("%d%d", &t[i].d[0], &t[i].d[1]);
t[i].n = i;
} bool cmp_1(point a, point b)
return a.d[now] < b.d[now];
} void gengxin(int father, int son)
if (t[father].min > t[son].min)
t[father].min = t[son].min;
t[father].dot = t[son].dot;
} void up_data(int rt)
t[rt].min = t[rt].n; t[rt].dot = rt; //dot可以说是当前这个子树的编号最小的点的节点。
if (t[rt].n == 0) //如果点已经删掉了
t[rt].min = INF;
t[rt].dot = 0;
int l = t[rt].l, r = t[rt].r;
if (l)
gengxin(rt, l);
if (r)
gengxin(rt, r);
} int build(int begin, int end, int fa,int fx)
int m = (begin + end) >> 1;
now = fx;
nth_element(t + begin, t + m, t + end + 1, cmp_1);
t[m].fa = fa;
if (begin < m)
t[m].l = build(begin, m - 1, m, 1 - fx);
if (m < end)
t[m].r = build(m + 1, end, m, 1 - fx);
return m;
} bool inrange(int x, target b,int fx)
return ((b.mi_n[fx] <= x) && (x <= b.ma_x[fx]));
} int query(int rt, int fx, int r, int xl, int xr, int yl, int yr)
{//r是当前处理的靶子编号 txl,txr,tyl,tyr是靶子信息。
if (!rt)//我们会不断缩小这个范围。
return 0;
if (!t[rt].dot)
return 0;
if (txl <= xl && xr <= txr && tyl <= yl && yr <= tyr)
return t[rt].dot;
int t1 = 0,t2 = 0;
if (inrange(t[rt].d[fx], rec[r], fx))//这个节点的fx坐标在靶子范围内
{ //则左右儿子都要递归求解。则后序还要查看当前这个节点是否能更新。
if (fx == 0) //如果是以x轴排序
t1 = query(t[rt].l, 1-fx, r, xl, t[rt].d[0], yl, yr);
t2 = query(t[rt].r, 1-fx, r, t[rt].d[0], xr, yl, yr);
t1 = query(t[rt].l, 1-fx, r, xl, xr, yl, t[rt].d[1]);
t2 = query(t[rt].r, 1-fx, r, xl, xr, t[rt].d[1], yr);
if (t[rt].d[fx] < rec[r].mi_n[fx])//大于这个节点的fx坐标 等号的情况上面已经考虑了
if (fx == 0)
return query(t[rt].r, 1-fx, r, t[rt].d[0], xr, yl, yr);
return query(t[rt].r, 1-fx, r, xl, xr, t[rt].d[1], yr);
if (rec[r].ma_x[fx] < t[rt].d[fx])//小于这个节点的fx坐标
if (fx == 0)
return query(t[rt].l, 1-fx, r, xl, t[rt].d[0], yl, yr);
return query(t[rt].l, 1-fx, r, xl, xr, yl, t[rt].d[1]);
int fi = 0; int temp = INF;
if (t1!=0)
if (t[t1].n < temp)//千万不要写成t[t1].min < temp
temp = t[t1].n;
fi = t1;
if (t2 != 0)
if (t[t2].n < temp)
temp = t[t2].n;
fi = t2;
if (t[rt].n != 0 && t[rt].n < temp)//这是尝试用当前这个节点来更新。
if (inrange(t[rt].d[0],rec[r],0) && inrange(t[rt].d[1],rec[r],1))
temp = t[rt].n;
fi = rt;
return fi;
} void adjust(int rt) //删掉一个点后调整相关点的信息
if (rt != root)
} bool cmp_2(target a, target b)
return a.z < b.z;
} void get_ans()
root = build(1, m, 0, 0);
sort(rec + 1, rec + 1 + n, cmp_2);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
txl = rec[i].mi_n[0], txr = rec[i].ma_x[0], tyl = rec[i].mi_n[1], tyr = rec[i].ma_x[1];
int hit = query(root, 0, i, 0, INF, 0, INF);
if (hit != 0)
ans[t[hit].n] = rec[i].n;
t[hit].n = 0;
} void output_ans()
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
} int main()
//freopen("F:\\rush.txt", "r", stdin);
return 0;

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