Plastic Bottle Manufacturer: Plastic Bottle Packaging Material, Is It Degradable?
For plastic bottle packaging, the current global market demand is still growing. However, for plastic bottle packaging, this is a problem of biodegradability. It is well known that it takes hundreds of years for plastics to decompose under existing natural conditions. This is a warning story. We know that plastic bags are banned in China due to their "white pollution." In order to achieve sustainable development, plastic bottle manufacturers must solve their own material problems. Plastic bottle packaging has long been a model for mass production, and plastic bottlers can only rely on mass production to make a profit because a single plastic bottle is very cheap. At the same time, plastic bottles need to be molded by the mold, so if you need a personalized plastic bottle, you need to re-open it.
In addition, plastic bottles can be used not only as a single function of packaging, but also to add other features to enhance product sustainability and innovation. For example, in the field of food plastic bottles, the preservation function of food bottles should be enhanced. Can effectively extend the shelf life of food. Plastic bottle manufacturers can increase the freshness of the container by emptying the plastic bottle. For beverage PET bottles, to improve the thermal insulation properties of plastic bottles, especially in the winter, the demand for beverage bottles is increasing due to heating and heating, and plastic bottle manufacturers need to improve in this field.
In summary, the key to plastic bottle packaging is to solve the degradation of the material itself. Plastic Bottle Manufacturer will strive to improve the competitiveness of plastic bottle packaging, and need to properly improve the performance of plastic bottles.
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