[LeetCode] 595. Big Countries_Easy tag: SQL
There is a table World
| name | continent | area | population | gdp |
| Afghanistan | Asia | 652230 | 25500100 | 20343000 |
| Albania | Europe | 28748 | 2831741 | 12960000 |
| Algeria | Africa | 2381741 | 37100000 | 188681000 |
| Andorra | Europe | 468 | 78115 | 3712000 |
| Angola | Africa | 1246700 | 20609294 | 100990000 |
A country is big if it has an area of bigger than 3 million square km or a population of more than 25 million.
Write a SQL solution to output big countries' name, population and area.
For example, according to the above table, we should output:
| name | population | area |
| Afghanistan | 25500100 | 652230 |
| Algeria | 37100000 | 2381741 |
+--------------+-------------+--------------+ Code
SELECT name, population, area FROM World WHERE area > 3000000 OR population > 25000000
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