SparkSQL UDF使用方法与原理详解
1. 临时UDF
create temporary function tmp_trans_array as ''com.test.spark.udf.TransArray' using jar 'spark-test-udf-1.0..jar'; select tmp_trans_array (, '\\|' , id, position) as (id0, position0) from test_udf limit ;
def createTempFunction(
name: String,
info: ExpressionInfo,
funcDefinition: FunctionBuilder,
ignoreIfExists: Boolean): Unit = {
if (functionRegistry.lookupFunctionBuilder(name).isDefined && !ignoreIfExists) {
throw new TempFunctionAlreadyExistsException(name)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, info, funcDefinition)
protected val functionBuilders =
StringKeyHashMap[(ExpressionInfo, FunctionBuilder)](caseSensitive = false) override def registerFunction(
name: String,
info: ExpressionInfo,
builder: FunctionBuilder): Unit = synchronized {
functionBuilders.put(name, (info, builder))
2. 持久化UDF
create function trans_array as 'com.test.spark.udf.TransArray' using jar 'hdfs://namenodeIP:9000/libs/spark-test-udf-1.0.0.jar'; select trans_array (, ' \\|' , id, position) as (id0, position0) from test_spark limit ;
mysql> select * from FUNCS;
| | com.test.spark.udf.TransArray | | | trans_array | | NULL | USER | mysql> select * from FUNC_RU;
| | | hdfs://namenodeIP:9000/libs/spark-test-udf-1.0.0.jar | 0 |
def lookupFunction(
name: FunctionIdentifier,
children: Seq[Expression]): Expression = synchronized {
// Note: the implementation of this function is a little bit convoluted.
// We probably shouldn't use a single FunctionRegistry to register all three kinds of functions
// (built-in, temp, and external).
if (name.database.isEmpty && functionRegistry.functionExists(name)) {
// This function has been already loaded into the function registry.
return functionRegistry.lookupFunction(name, children)
} // If the name itself is not qualified, add the current database to it.
val database = formatDatabaseName(name.database.getOrElse(getCurrentDatabase))
val qualifiedName = name.copy(database = Some(database)) if (functionRegistry.functionExists(qualifiedName)) {
// This function has been already loaded into the function registry.
// Unlike the above block, we find this function by using the qualified name.
return functionRegistry.lookupFunction(qualifiedName, children)
} // The function has not been loaded to the function registry, which means
// that the function is a permanent function (if it actually has been registered
// in the metastore). We need to first put the function in the FunctionRegistry.
// TODO: why not just check whether the function exists first?
val catalogFunction = try {
externalCatalog.getFunction(database, name.funcName)
} catch {
case _: AnalysisException => failFunctionLookup(name)
case _: NoSuchPermanentFunctionException => failFunctionLookup(name)
// Please note that qualifiedName is provided by the user. However,
// catalogFunction.identifier.unquotedString is returned by the underlying
// catalog. So, it is possible that qualifiedName is not exactly the same as
// catalogFunction.identifier.unquotedString (difference is on case-sensitivity).
// At here, we preserve the input from the user.
registerFunction(catalogFunction.copy(identifier = qualifiedName), overrideIfExists = false)
// Now, we need to create the Expression.
functionRegistry.lookupFunction(qualifiedName, children)
} /**
* List all functions in the specified database, including temporary functions. This
* returns the function identifier and the scope in which it was defined (system or user
* defined).
def listFunctions(db: String): Seq[(FunctionIdentifier, String)] = listFunctions(db, "*") /**
* List all matching functions in the specified database, including temporary functions. This
* returns the function identifier and the scope in which it was defined (system or user
* defined).
def listFunctions(db: String, pattern: String): Seq[(FunctionIdentifier, String)] = {
val dbName = formatDatabaseName(db)
val dbFunctions = externalCatalog.listFunctions(dbName, pattern).map { f =>
FunctionIdentifier(f, Some(dbName)) }
val loadedFunctions = StringUtils
.filterPattern(functionRegistry.listFunction().map(_.unquotedString), pattern).map { f =>
// In functionRegistry, function names are stored as an unquoted format.
Try(parser.parseFunctionIdentifier(f)) match {
case Success(e) => e
case Failure(_) =>
// The names of some built-in functions are not parsable by our parser, e.g., %
val functions = dbFunctions ++ loadedFunctions
// The session catalog caches some persistent functions in the FunctionRegistry
// so there can be duplicates. {
case f if FunctionRegistry.functionSet.contains(f) => (f, "SYSTEM")
case f => (f, "USER")
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