iOS CoreAnimation: Math behind CATransform3D

1. What's CATransform?

Matrix Transform:

"User space = your view (points)

Device space = hardware device native resolution (pixels)

On print or display, Quartz maps user space coordinates to device space coordinates" Ref[2]

CATransform用来控制这个映射过程(User Space => Device Space)。


 struct CATransform3D
CGFloat m11, m12, m13, m14; // row 1 of matrix
CGFloat m21, m22, m23, m24; // row 2 of matrix
CGFloat m31, m32, m33, m34; // row 3 of matrix
CGFloat m41, m42, m43, m44; // row 4 of matrix

点P(x, y, z, w)经过平移变换(Translate Transform)后:

(x, y, z, ) *
= (x+tx, y+ty, z+tz, ) tx ty tz

点P(x, y, z, w)经过矩阵T进行变换后为点P1(x1, y1, z1, w1):

(x, y, z, ) * m11  m12  m13  m14      m11*x+m21*y+m31*z+m41   // x1
m21 m22 m23 m24 = m12*x+m22*y+m32*z+m42 // y1
m31 m32 m33 m34 m13*x+m23*y+m33*z+m43 // z1
m41 m42 m43 m44 m14*x+m24*y+m34*z+m44 // w1

2. Using m34


(, , , ) *
1 0 0
0 0 1 -/500 = (1, 1, 1, 1*(-1/500)+1) = (1, 1, 1, 499/500) = (500/499, 500/499, 500/499, 1)
0 0 0 1

通过以上Matrix变换, 点P(1,1,1)的坐标变化为P1(500/499, 500/499, 500/499); 点Q(1,1,-1)的坐标变化为Q1(500/501, 500/501, -500/501, 1)。选取P和Q两个点为例,可见经过设置m34值的Matrix进行变换后呈现3D Perspective(透视)效果。

3. Coordinate Systems

"OpenGL adopts the Right-Hand Coordinate System (RHS). In the RHS, the x-axis is pointing right, y-axis is pointing up,

and z-axis is pointing out of the screen. " Ref[6]

"RHS is counter-clockwise (CCW). The 3D Cartesian Coordinates is a RHS.

Some graphics software (such as Microsoft Direct3D) use Left-hand System (LHS), where the z-axis is inverted.

LHS is clockwise (CW). " Ref[6]

3.1 Core Animation is LHCS or RHCS?

根据Ref[4], Ref[5]中的内容,Core Animation(iOS Platform)使用左手坐标系(Left-Hand Coordinate System/LHCS):

"Core Animation uses a left-handed coordinate system with the Z-axis’ positive space extending from the screen towards the viewer." Ref[5] 
"iOS中使用的左手坐标系,其原点在左上角。" Ref[4]

注:目前尚未找到官方文档来说明Core Animation使用LHCS。

3.2 What's LHCS?






iOS Core Animation Left-Hand Cartesian Coordinates (LHCC)

图Figure-1是标准的LHCS,而iOS平台上Core Animation中CALayer的Y轴正方向是向下的,那么iOS平台上Core Animation的坐标系变为(下图,Figure-4):

3.3 Positive Rotation

Positive Rotation: 正向旋转

"Positive rotation is clockwise about the axis of rotation." Ref[8]



左手握住Z轴,拇指指向Z轴正方向,其它手指指向的方向即LHCC中的Positive Rotation。

3.4 Demo for Rotation


1. UIView+Fold.m

AnimationDemo 中对m34的使用。

Created by Rachel Bobbins on 1/31/15.

2. Enter the Matrix (AAAA) (TO Debug)

3. iOS.Math-in-CGAffineTransform

Math behind the CGAffineTransform

4. Mac,iOS界面中的三维坐标系

5. CA's 3D Model

2D planes in a 3D world, simples.

6. 3D Graphics with OpenGL

Basic Theory

7. iOS Core Animation: Advanced Techniques, Part 1: The Layer Beneath  (TO Read)

8. Left- vs. Right-handed coordinate systems

Positive rotation


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