






static void _gray(QString sourceFile, QString destFile)
QImage image(sourceFile);
qDebug() << "load " << sourceFile << " failed! ";
qDebug() << "depth - " << image.depth(); #if 1
/* test */
qDebug() << "Let's openCV." << endl;
cv::Mat mat = QImagecvMat(image); cvtColor(mat, mat ,CV_BGR2GRAY);
image = cvmatqimage(mat); qDebug() << "openCV done." << endl; #else
  /* 就没必要使用/关心 QT自身的图像处理接口。
   */ int width = image.width();
int height = image.height();
QRgb color;
int gray;
for(int i = ; i < width; i++)
for(int j= ; j < height; j++)
color = image.pixel(i, j);
gray = qGray(color);
image.setPixel(i, j, qRgba(gray, gray, gray, qAlpha(color)));
#endif image.save(destFile);


/* 1. Qimage --> Mat */
cv::Mat QImagecvMat(QImage image)
cv::Mat mat;
qDebug() << image.format();
case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
case QImage::Format_RGB32:
case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
mat = cv::Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC, (void*)image.constBits(), image.bytesPerLine());
case QImage::Format_RGB888:
mat = cv::Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC, (void*)image.constBits(), image.bytesPerLine());
cv::cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGR2RGB);
case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
mat = cv::Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC, (void*)image.constBits(), image.bytesPerLine());
qDebug() << "What's the format?";
return mat;
} /* 2. Mat --> Qimage */
QImage cvMatQImage(const cv::Mat& mat)
// 8-bits unsigned, NO. OF CHANNELS = 1
if(mat.type() == CV_8UC)
QImage image(mat.cols, mat.rows, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
// Set the color table (used to translate colour indexes to qRgb values)
for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
image.setColor(i, qRgb(i, i, i));
// Copy input Mat
uchar *pSrc = mat.data;
for(int row = ; row < mat.rows; row ++)
uchar *pDest = image.scanLine(row);
memcpy(pDest, pSrc, mat.cols);
pSrc += mat.step;
return image;
// 8-bits unsigned, NO. OF CHANNELS = 3
else if(mat.type() == CV_8UC)
// Copy input Mat
const uchar *pSrc = (const uchar*)mat.data;
// Create QImage with same dimensions as input Mat
QImage image(pSrc, mat.cols, mat.rows, mat.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);
return image.rgbSwapped();
else if(mat.type() == CV_8UC)
qDebug() << "CV_8UC4";
// Copy input Mat
const uchar *pSrc = (const uchar*)mat.data;
// Create QImage with same dimensions as input Mat
QImage image(pSrc, mat.cols, mat.rows, mat.step, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
return image.copy();
qDebug() << "ERROR: Mat could not be converted to QImage.";
return QImage();

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