function Ajax(currPage, pageSize) { // ajax后台交互String currPage,String pageSize
var el, Plist, i;
el = document.getElementById('thelist');
var cancle = function(options) {
var pattern = '${pageContext.request.contextPath}/integralParadise/userIntegralRecordsPaging?currPage=:currPage&pageSize=:pageSize';
for ( var key in options) {
pattern = pattern.replace(':' + key, options[key] || '');
return pattern;
} $.post(cancle({
currPage : currPage,
pageSize : pageSize
}), function(result) {
var integralRecord = result.page;
if (integralRecord.length > 0) {
$("#currPage").val(result.currPage + 1);
var divItem = "";
$.each(integralRecord, function(index, detail) {
if(detail.integral != 0){
var type = detail.typeId;
var integral = detail.integral;
var now = new Date(detail.operatorTime);
var time = now.Format("yyyy-MM-dd");
var positiveOrNegative =detail.positiveOrNegative ;
var operation = detail.operation;
var money = parseInt(detail.money);
var rate = detail.rate;
var name;
switch (type)
case 1:
case 2:
divItem += "<div class='dtb_item'><div class='dtb_l'><h3>" +name+ "</h3><p>"+time+"</p></div><div class='dtb_m'>";
if(type == 11){
divItem +="<p class='i_msg purple'>" +"+"+integral+"</p></div></div>";
}else if(positiveOrNegative == false){
divItem +="<p class='i_msg green'>" +"-"+integral+"</p></div></div>";
divItem +="<p class='i_msg red'>" +"+"+integral+"</p></div></div>";
} else {
<c:if test="${showmessage <= 0 }">$("#dateTip").html("2016年9月7日前的记录暂时无法显示");</c:if>



 <c:if test="${showmessage <= 0 }">$("#dateTip").html("2016年9月7日前的记录暂时无法显示");</c:if>


var result = "${showmessage}"; 


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