1. 软件工程师的成长
同学们在上这门课的时候,还是大三,你的困难和迷茫,别人一定有过。请看看别人怎么学习的,有些是科班,有些是野路子,有些成功,有些失败。 请读完下面所有博客(也可以再读一些你觉得有意思的博客),谈谈自己的感想,你现在的条件比他们如何?你对计算机的热爱仅仅是口头的么?IT专业的技术道路,职业道路,社会道路怎么计划呢
2. 代码复审
- Does the code work? Does it perform its intended function, the logic is correct etc.
◦ Yes.
- Is all the code easily understood?
◦ Yes.
- Does it conform to your agreed coding conventions? These will usually cover location of braces, variable and function names, line length, indentations, formatting, and comments.
◦ Yes.
- Is there any redundant or duplicate code?
◦ Yes.
- Is the code as modular as possible?
◦ Yes.
- Can any global variables be replaced?
◦ Yes.
- Is there any commented out code?
◦ Yes.
- Do loops have a set length and correct termination conditions?
◦ Yes.
- Can any of the code be replaced with library functions?
◦ No.
- Can any logging or debugging code be removed?
◦ No.
- Are all data inputs checked (for the correct type, length, format, and range) and encoded?
◦ Yes.
- Where third-party utilities are used, are returning errors being caught?
◦ No.
- Are output values checked and encoded?
◦ No.
- Are invalid parameter values handled?
◦ Yes.
- Do comments exist and describe the intent of the code?
◦ No.
- Are all functions commented?
◦ No.
- Is any unusual behavior or edge-case handling described?
◦ Yes.
- Is the use and function of third-party libraries documented?
◦ No.
- Are data structures and units of measurement explained?
◦ No.
- Is there any incomplete code? If so, should it be removed or flagged with a suitable marker like ‘TODO’?
◦ No.
- Is the code testable? i.e. don’t add too many or hide dependencies, unable to initialize objects, test frameworks can use methods etc.
◦ Yes.
- Do tests exist and are they comprehensive? i.e. has at least your agreed on code coverage.
◦ No.
- Do unit tests actually test that the code is performing the intended functionality?
◦ Yes.
- Are arrays checked for ‘out-of-bound’ errors?
◦ No.
- Could any test code be replaced with the use of an existing API?
◦ No.
- 个人作业Week3
个人作业week3 一. 调研,评测 1.我的使用体验 版本:IOS版 BUG_1: 点击单词本中的“同步”后,会提示登录Microsoft账户.登录成功立即开始同步单词本.在单词本同步过程中, ...
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- 个人作业week3——代码复审
1. 软件工程师的成长 感想 看了这么多博客,收获颇丰.一方面是对大牛们的计算机之路有了一定的了解,另一方面还是态度最重要,或者说用不用功最重要.这些博客里好些都是九几年或者零几年就开始学习编 ...
- 个人作业-Week3:代码复审
软件工程师的成长 我在上大学之前,对于软件工程师之类并无概念,并且高初中的电脑课也从未提及过写代码之类的东西,更多的都是一些教一些办公软件的使用(笑,明明电脑课总是因为老师“有事”变成其他课,根本就没 ...
- 团队博客作业- Week3
成员介绍 韩青长 测试 我是韩青长,技术小白,抱着对软工的好奇和对未来工作的憧憬选了这门课.暂时选择了测试的工作,也对开发和UI有一定兴趣.从前上帝创造了我们,现在轮到我们来创造自己的软件了~ 陈彦 ...
- 个人作业—Week3
博客阅读体会 阅读了十几位软件工程师前辈的博文,了解了前辈们作为一名软件工程师的成长经历,我有一些感触. 这十几位前辈们的经历有着很大的差别,有的科班出身,有的则完全自学成才.不同的经历使得前辈们看问 ...
- 个人作业 - Week3 - 案例分析
调研与评测 真实用户采访: 用户姓名: 刘斯盾 用户的背景和需求: 用户是一位计算机专业学生,需要浏览技术博客来扩充自己的学识. 用户使用博客园证明: 产品是否解决用户问题: 在码代码过程中遇到的很多 ...
- 个人作业week3案例分析
调研产品:博客园 第一部分 调研和评测 1.bug 1.不同种类浏览器的支持存在差异 bug描述:在不同浏览器下,部分博客内容显示的格式有明显不同 可尝试用下面两种不同的浏览器打开这个博客网址:htt ...
- 个人作业——week3
1.软件工程师的成长 拜读了多位优秀前辈的文章后,感觉十分复杂,虽然说不上是醍醐灌顶的那种大彻大悟,但是确实的感觉到自己内心中某个部分被真切的感触到了.推荐的文章语言都比较平易近人,感觉就像是和多年未 ...
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