

        或者: 友情提示:为了避免不必要的错误,私有的还是放在.m 中引用.h

c does not support default arguments: 还没解决方案,待更新~~

三方库引入出现 —v see 。。。。。:bulidsetting -》bitcode ——》NO


  1. Mediaplayer error (-19,0)

    Android MediaPlayer 发生 error (-19,0) 错误解决方法. 引起原因:由于多次实例化MediaPlayer.start() 进行播放操作引起的.由于没有及时释放内存资源导 ...

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  4. error C4430:missing type specifier 解决错误

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  6. Visual Studio:error MSB8020(搬运)

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  7. 转:ORA-15186: ASMLIB error function = [asm_open], error = [1], 2009-05-24 13:57:38

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  8. 解决 Error: getaddrinfo EADDRINFO 错误

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