Circular Buffer
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Thread safe fixed size circular buffer implementation. Backed by an array.
* @author brad
public class ArrayCircularBuffer<T> {
// internal data storage
private T[] data;
// indices for inserting and removing from queue
private int front = ;
private int insertLocation = ;
// number of elements in queue
private int size = ;
* Creates a circular buffer with the specified size.
* @param bufferSize
* - the maximum size of the buffer
public ArrayCircularBuffer(int bufferSize) {
data = (T[]) new Object[bufferSize];
* Inserts an item at the end of the queue. If the queue is full, the oldest
* value will be removed and head of the queue will become the second oldest
* value.
* @param item
* - the item to be inserted
public synchronized void insert(T item) {
data[insertLocation] = item;
insertLocation = (insertLocation + ) % data.length;
* If the queue is full, this means we just overwrote the front of the
* queue. So increment the front location.
if (size == data.length) {
front = (front + ) % data.length;
} else {
* Returns the number of elements in the buffer
* @return int - the number of elements inside this buffer
public synchronized int size() {
return size;
* Returns the head element of the queue.
* @return T
public synchronized T removeFront() {
if (size == ) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
T retValue = data[front];
front = (front + ) % data.length;
return retValue;
* Returns the head of the queue but does not remove it.
* @return
public synchronized T peekFront() {
if (size == ) {
return null;
} else {
return data[front];
* Returns the last element of the queue but does not remove it.
* @return T - the most recently added value
public synchronized T peekLast() {
if (size == ) {
return null;
} else {
int lastElement = insertLocation - ;
if (lastElement < ) {
lastElement = data.length - ;
return data[lastElement];
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