




int main()
int a;switch (a) {
case :
case :
int aa;
case :
} return ;

  如上所示code编译时候会报错,错误提示“a label can only be part of statement and a declaratioin is not a statement”。


  引用一段话解释为“Prior to C99, all declarations had to precede all statements within a block, so it wouldn't have made sense to have a label on a declaration. C99 relaxed that restriction, permitting declarations and statement to be mixed within a block, but the syntax of a labeled-statement was not changed. – Keith Thompson”。




int main()
int a;
switch (a) {
case :
case :; //加一个空的‘;’,标示空声明
int aa;
case :
} return ;

int main()
int a;
int aa; //定义放到 switch 之前
switch (a) {
case :
case :
case :
} return ;

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