I've come across to the same problem. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04
, ROS Kinetic
and Gazebo 7.0
First, be sure that you're using the protoc
with a version above 2.6.1
. Gazebo 7 works along with the protoc-2.6.1
. You can learn the version of the protoc
installed on your system with $ protoc --version
command. It was 3.2.0
in my system. Thus this solution replaces the protobuf
installed on your system with the version 2.6.1
I solved the problem via using the following instructions.
$ cd /usr/local/include/google
sudo rm -rf protobuf
- Go, download
from here and extract the contents. (I downloadedprotobuf-2.6.1.tar.gz
) I followed the installation instructions given here. Which are:
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
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