NMAP 使用教程!,nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification} , nmap -sn , raspberry pi 3
NMAP 使用教程
当Nmap不带选项运行时,该选项概要会被输出,最新的版本在这里 http://www.insecure.org/nmap/data/nmap.usage.txt。
Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}
Can pass hostnames, IP addresses, networks, etc.
Ex: scanme.nmap.org, microsoft.com/24,; 10.0-255.0-255.1-254
-iL <inputfilename>: Input from list of hosts/networks
-iR <num hosts>: Choose random targets
--exclude <host1[,host2][,host3],...>: Exclude hosts/networks
--excludefile <exclude_file>: Exclude list from fileHOST DISCOVERY:
-sL: List Scan - simply list targets to scan
-sP: Ping Scan - go no further than determining if host is online
-P0: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery
-PS/PA/PU [portlist]: TCP SYN/ACK or UDP discovery probes to given ports
-PE/PP/PM: ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes
-n/-R: Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes resolve]
-sS/sT/sA/sW/sM: TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans
-sN/sF/sX: TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans
--scanflags <flags>: Customize TCP scan flags
-sI <zombie host[:probeport]>: Idlescan
-sO: IP protocol scan
-b <ftp relay host>: FTP bounce scanPORT SPECIFICATION AND SCAN ORDER:
-p <port ranges>: Only scan specified ports
Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080
-F: Fast - Scan only the ports listed in the nmap-services file)
-r: Scan ports consecutively - don't randomizeSERVICE/VERSION DETECTION:
-sV: Probe open ports to determine service/version info
--version-light: Limit to most likely probes for faster identification
--version-all: Try every single probe for version detection
--version-trace: Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging)OS DETECTION:
-O: Enable OS detection
--osscan-limit: Limit OS detection to promising targets
--osscan-guess: Guess OS more aggressivelyTIMING AND PERFORMANCE:
-T[0-6]: Set timing template (higher is faster)
--min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup <msec>: Parallel host scan group sizes
--min-parallelism/max-parallelism <msec>: Probe parallelization
--min-rtt-timeout/max-rtt-timeout/initial-rtt-timeout <msec>: Specifies
probe round trip time.
--host-timeout <msec>: Give up on target after this long
--scan-delay/--max-scan-delay <msec>: Adjust delay between probesFIREWALL/IDS EVASION AND SPOOFING:
-f; --mtu <val>: fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU)
-D <decoy1,decoy2[,ME],...>: Cloak a scan with decoys
-S <IP_Address>: Spoof source address
-e <iface>: Use specified interface
-g/--source-port <portnum>: Use given port number
--data-length <num>: Append random data to sent packets
--ttl <val>: Set IP time-to-live field
--spoof-mac <mac address, prefix, or vendor name>: Spoof your MAC addressOUTPUT:
-oN/-oX/-oS/-oG <file>: Output scan results in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3,
and Grepable format, respectively, to the given filename.
-oA <basename>: Output in the three major formats at once
-v: Increase verbosity level (use twice for more effect)
-d[level]: Set or increase debugging level (Up to 9 is meaningful)
--packet-trace: Show all packets sent and received
--iflist: Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging)
--append-output: Append to rather than clobber specified output files
--resume <filename>: Resume an aborted scan
--stylesheet <path/URL>: XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML
--no-stylesheet: Prevent Nmap from associating XSL stylesheet w/XML outputMISC:
-6: Enable IPv6 scanning
-A: Enables OS detection and Version detection
--datadir <dirname>: Specify custom Nmap data file location
--send-eth/--send-ip: Send packets using raw ethernet frames or IP packets
--privileged: Assume that the user is fully privileged
-V: Print version number
-h: Print this help summary page.EXAMPLES:
nmap -v -A scanme.nmap.org
nmap -v -sP
nmap -v -iR 10000 -P0 -p 80
nmap -sn (ping 所在wlan 的所有host)raspberry pi 3
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