from lxml import etree
2 text = '''
3 <div>
4 <ul>
5 <li class = "item-0"><a herf = "link1.html">first item</a></li>
6 <li class = "item-1"><a herf = "link2.html">second item</a></li>
7 <li class = "item-inactive"><a herf = "link3.html">third item</a></li>
8 <li class = "item-1"><a herf = "link4.html">fourth item</a></li>
9 <li class = "item-0"><a herf = "link5.html">fifth item</a></li>
10 </ul>
11 </div>
12 '''
13 html = etree.HTML(text)
14 result = etree.tostring((html))#输出修正后的HTML文本
15 code_all = html.xpath("//*")#选取HTML全部的节点
16 code_li = html.xpath("//li")
17 code_a = html.xpath("//li/a")#选取HTML的li节点的子节点a
18 code_p = html.xpath("//a[@herf = 'link4.html']/../@class")#一直子节点寻找父节点的class属性
19 print(code_p)
20 print(code_li)
21 print("///")
22 print(code_all)
23 print("///")
24 print(code_a)
25 #属性匹配
26 attribute = html.xpath("//li[@class = 'item-0']")
27 print(attribute)
28 #文本获取
29 text = html.xpath("//li/text()")
30 print(text)
31 #属性获取
32 attribute_get = html.xpath("//li/a/@herf")
33 print(attribute_get)
34 #属性多值匹配
35 text1 = """
36 <li class = "li li-fist"><a href = "link.html">first item</a></li>
37 """
38 html1 = etree.HTML(text1)
39 attribute_number = html1.xpath("//li[contains(@class,'li')]/a/text()")
40 print(attribute_number)
41 #多属性匹配
42 text2 = """
43 <li calss = "li li-first" name = "name"><a href = "link.html">first item</a></li>
44 """
45 html2 = etree.HTML(text2)
46 attribute_text2 = html2.xpath("//li[contains(@calss,'li') and @name = 'name']/a/text()")
47 print(attribute_text2)
48 #按序选择
49 """
50 有时候,我们在选择的时候某些属性可能同时匹配了多个节点,但是只想要其中某个节点
51 这是可以利用中括号传入索引的方法获取特定次序的节点
52 """
53 text3 = '''
54 <div>
55 <ul>
<li class = "item-0"><a herf = "link1.html">first item</a></li>
57 <li class = "item-1"><a herf = "link2.html">second item</a></li>
58 <li class = "item-inactive"><a herf = "link3.html">third item</a></li>
59 <li class = "item-1"><a herf = "link4.html">fourth item</a></li>
60 <li class = "item-0"><a herf = "link5.html">fifth item</a></li>
61 </ul>
62 </div>
63 '''
64 html3 = etree.HTML(text3)
65 result = html3.xpath("//li[1]/a/text()")#选取第一个li节点
66 print(result)
67 result = html3.xpath("//li[last()]/a/text()")#选取左后一个li节点
68 print(result)
69 result = html3.xpath("//li[position() < 3]/a/text()")#选取位置小于三的节点
70 print(result)
71 #节点轴选取
72 result = html3.xpath("//li[1]/ancestor::*")#获取所有祖先节点,后跟*表示匹配所有节点
73 print(result)
74 result = html3.xpath("//li[1]/ancestor::div")#获取div这个祖先节点
75 print(result)
76 result = html3.xpath("//li[1]/attribute::*")#获取所有属性
77 print(result)
[<Element li at 0x7f72f489c888>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489c948>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489c9c8>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489ca08>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489ca88>]
[<Element html at 0x7f72f489c808>, <Element body at 0x7f72f489c788>, <Element div at 0x7f72f489c748>, <Element ul at 0x7f72f489c848>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489c888>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489c908>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489c948>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489c988>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489c9c8>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489c8c8>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489ca08>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489ca48>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489ca88>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489cac8>]
[<Element a at 0x7f72f489c908>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489c988>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489c8c8>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489ca48>, <Element a at 0x7f72f489cac8>]
[<Element li at 0x7f72f489c888>, <Element li at 0x7f72f489ca88>]
['link1.html', 'link2.html', 'link3.html', 'link4.html', 'link5.html']
['first item']
['first item']
['first item']
['fifth item']
['first item', 'second item']
[<Element html at 0x7f72f489cdc8>, <Element body at 0x7f72f489cec8>, <Element div at 0x7f72f489cf48>, <Element ul at 0x7f72f489cf08>]
[<Element div at 0x7f72f489cf48>]
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