flask是python web开发比较主流的框架之一,也是我在工作中使用的主要开发框架。一直对其是如何保证线程安全的问题比较好奇,所以简单的探究了一番,由于只是简单查看了源码,并未深入细致研究,因此以下内容仅为个人理解,不保证正确性。

  首先是很多文章都说flask会为每一个request启动一个线程,每个request都在单独线程中处理,因此保证了线程安全。于是就做了一个简单的测试。首先是写一个简单的flask程序(只需要有最简单的功能用于测试即可),然后我们知道一个flask应用启动之后实际上是作为一个 WSGI application的,之后所有接收到的请求都会经由flask的wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response)方法去处理,所以就来看一下这个方法(注释已去掉)。

def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response):
ctx = self.request_context(environ)
error = None
response = self.full_dispatch_request()
except Exception as e:
error = e
response = self.handle_exception(e)
return response(environ, start_response)
if self.should_ignore_error(error):
error = None


The request context contains all request relevant information.  It is
created at the beginning of the request and pushed to the
`_request_ctx_stack` and removed at the end of it. It will create the
URL adapter and request object for the WSGI environment provided.

说的很清楚,这个对象的上下文包含着request相关的信息。也就是说每一个请求到来之后,flask都会为它新建一个RequestContext对象,并且将这个对象push进全局变量_request_ctx_stack中,在push前还要检查_app_ctx_stack,如果_app_ctx_stack的栈顶元素不存在或是与当前的应用不一致,则首先push appcontext 到_app_ctx_stack中,再push requestcontext。源码如下:

def push(self):

        top = _request_ctx_stack.top
if top is not None and top.preserved:
top.pop(top._preserved_exc) # Before we push the request context we have to ensure that there
# is an application context.
app_ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top
if app_ctx is None or app_ctx.app != self.app:
app_ctx = self.app.app_context()
if hasattr(sys, 'exc_clear'):
sys.exc_clear() _request_ctx_stack.push(self)
# Open the session at the moment that the request context is
# available. This allows a custom open_session method to use the
# request context (e.g. code that access database information
# stored on `g` instead of the appcontext).
self.session = self.app.open_session(self.request)
if self.session is None:
self.session = self.app.make_null_session()


class LocalStack(object):

    def __init__(self):
self._local = Local() def __release_local__(self):
self._local.__release_local__() def _get__ident_func__(self):
return self._local.__ident_func__ def _set__ident_func__(self, value):
object.__setattr__(self._local, '__ident_func__', value)
__ident_func__ = property(_get__ident_func__, _set__ident_func__)
del _get__ident_func__, _set__ident_func__ def __call__(self):
def _lookup():
rv = self.top
if rv is None:
raise RuntimeError('object unbound')
return rv
return LocalProxy(_lookup) def push(self, obj):
"""Pushes a new item to the stack"""
rv = getattr(self._local, 'stack', None)
if rv is None:
self._local.stack = rv = []
return rv def pop(self):
"""Removes the topmost item from the stack, will return the
old value or `None` if the stack was already empty.
stack = getattr(self._local, 'stack', None)
if stack is None:
return None
elif len(stack) == 1:
return stack[-1]
return stack.pop() @property
def top(self):
"""The topmost item on the stack. If the stack is empty,
`None` is returned.
return self._local.stack[-1]
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
return None


def __init__(self):
object.__setattr__(self, '__storage__', {})
object.__setattr__(self, '__ident_func__', get_ident)

这一属性由get_ident方法提供,这个方法的作用是提供当前线程的id,用于区别同时存在的多个线程Return a non-zero integer that uniquely identifiamongst other threads that exist simultaneously.


    def run(self, host=None, port=None, debug=None, **options):

        from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
if host is None:
host = ''
if port is None:
server_name = self.config['SERVER_NAME']
if server_name and ':' in server_name:
port = int(server_name.rsplit(':', 1)[1])
port = 5000
if debug is not None:
self.debug = bool(debug)
options.setdefault('use_reloader', self.debug)
options.setdefault('use_debugger', self.debug)
run_simple(host, port, self, **options)
# reset the first request information if the development server
# reset normally. This makes it possible to restart the server
# without reloader and that stuff from an interactive shell.
self._got_first_request = False

def run_simple(hostname, port, application, use_reloader=False,
use_debugger=False, use_evalex=True,
extra_files=None, reloader_interval=1,
reloader_type='auto', threaded=False,
processes=1, request_handler=None, static_files=None,
passthrough_errors=False, ssl_context=None):
"""Start a WSGI application. Optional features include a reloader,
multithreading and fork support. This function has a command-line interface too:: python -m werkzeug.serving --help .. versionadded:: 0.5
`static_files` was added to simplify serving of static files as well
as `passthrough_errors`. .. versionadded:: 0.6
support for SSL was added. .. versionadded:: 0.8
Added support for automatically loading a SSL context from certificate
file and private key. .. versionadded:: 0.9
Added command-line interface. .. versionadded:: 0.10
Improved the reloader and added support for changing the backend
through the `reloader_type` parameter. See :ref:`reloader`
for more information. :param hostname: The host for the application. eg: ``'localhost'``
:param port: The port for the server. eg: ``8080``
:param application: the WSGI application to execute
:param use_reloader: should the server automatically restart the python
process if modules were changed?
:param use_debugger: should the werkzeug debugging system be used?
:param use_evalex: should the exception evaluation feature be enabled?
:param extra_files: a list of files the reloader should watch
additionally to the modules. For example configuration
:param reloader_interval: the interval for the reloader in seconds.
:param reloader_type: the type of reloader to use. The default is
auto detection. Valid values are ``'stat'`` and
``'watchdog'``. See :ref:`reloader` for more
:param threaded: should the process handle each request in a separate
:param processes: if greater than 1 then handle each request in a new process
up to this maximum number of concurrent processes.
:param request_handler: optional parameter that can be used to replace
the default one. You can use this to replace it
with a different
:param static_files: a dict of paths for static files. This works exactly
like :class:`SharedDataMiddleware`, it's actually
just wrapping the application in that middleware before
:param passthrough_errors: set this to `True` to disable the error catching.
This means that the server will die on errors but
it can be useful to hook debuggers in (pdb etc.)
:param ssl_context: an SSL context for the connection. Either an
:class:`ssl.SSLContext`, a tuple in the form
``(cert_file, pkey_file)``, the string ``'adhoc'`` if
the server should automatically create one, or ``None``
to disable SSL (which is the default).
if use_debugger:
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
application = DebuggedApplication(application, use_evalex)
if static_files:
from werkzeug.wsgi import SharedDataMiddleware
application = SharedDataMiddleware(application, static_files) def log_startup(sock):
display_hostname = hostname not in ('', '*') and hostname or 'localhost'
if ':' in display_hostname:
display_hostname = '[%s]' % display_hostname
quit_msg = '(Press CTRL+C to quit)'
port = sock.getsockname()[1]
_log('info', ' * Running on %s://%s:%d/ %s',
ssl_context is None and 'http' or 'https',
display_hostname, port, quit_msg) def inner():
fd = int(os.environ['WERKZEUG_SERVER_FD'])
except (LookupError, ValueError):
fd = None
srv = make_server(hostname, port, application, threaded,
processes, request_handler,
passthrough_errors, ssl_context,
if fd is None:
srv.serve_forever() if use_reloader:
# If we're not running already in the subprocess that is the
# reloader we want to open up a socket early to make sure the
# port is actually available.
if os.environ.get('WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN') != 'true':
if port == 0 and not can_open_by_fd:
raise ValueError('Cannot bind to a random port with enabled '
'reloader if the Python interpreter does '
'not support socket opening by fd.') # Create and destroy a socket so that any exceptions are
# raised before we spawn a separate Python interpreter and
# lose this ability.
address_family = select_ip_version(hostname, port)
s = socket.socket(address_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((hostname, port))
if hasattr(s, 'set_inheritable'):
s.set_inheritable(True) # If we can open the socket by file descriptor, then we can just
# reuse this one and our socket will survive the restarts.
if can_open_by_fd:
os.environ['WERKZEUG_SERVER_FD'] = str(s.fileno())
s.close() from ._reloader import run_with_reloader
run_with_reloader(inner, extra_files, reloader_interval,

def make_server(host=None, port=None, app=None, threaded=False, processes=1,
request_handler=None, passthrough_errors=False,
ssl_context=None, fd=None):
"""Create a new server instance that is either threaded, or forks
or just processes one request after another.
if threaded and processes > 1:
raise ValueError("cannot have a multithreaded and "
"multi process server.")
elif threaded:
return ThreadedWSGIServer(host, port, app, request_handler,
passthrough_errors, ssl_context, fd=fd)
elif processes > 1:
return ForkingWSGIServer(host, port, app, processes, request_handler,
passthrough_errors, ssl_context, fd=fd)
return BaseWSGIServer(host, port, app, request_handler,
passthrough_errors, ssl_context, fd=fd)

好了,这一下我们一直以来的疑问就找到答案了,原来一个flask应用的server并非只有一种类型,它是可以设定的,默认情况下创建的是一个 BaseWSGIServer,如果指定了threaded参数就启动一个ThreadedWSGIServer,如果设定的processes>1则启动一个ForkingWSGIServer。
class ThreadedWSGIServer(ThreadingMixIn, BaseWSGIServer):

    """A WSGI server that does threading."""
multithread = True
class ThreadingMixIn:
"""Mix-in class to handle each request in a new thread.""" # Decides how threads will act upon termination of the
# main process
daemon_threads = False def process_request_thread(self, request, client_address):
"""Same as in BaseServer but as a thread. In addition, exception handling is done here. """
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
self.handle_error(request, client_address)
self.shutdown_request(request) def process_request(self, request, client_address):
"""Start a new thread to process the request."""
t = threading.Thread(target = self.process_request_thread,
args = (request, client_address))
t.daemon = self.daemon_threads



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