







  1. @Test
  2. public void test08() {
  3. Student stu = new Student("明", 20, 0);
  4. List<Student> students = dao.selectStudentsByCondition(stu);
  5. for (Student student : students) {
  6. System.out.println(student);
  7. }
  9. }


  1. public interface IStudentDao {
  2. // 根据条件查询问题
  3. List<Student> selectStudentsByCondition(Student student);
  4. }


  1. <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao">
  2. <select id="selectStudentsByCondition" resultType="Student">
  3. select id,name,age,score
  4. from student
  5. where
  6. <if test="name !=null and name !=''">
  7. name like '%' #{name} '%'
  8. </if>
  9. <if test="age>0">
  10. and age >#{age}
  11. </if>
  12. </select>
  13. </mapper>



  1. 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByCondition - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where name like '%' ? '%' and age >?
  2. 48 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByCondition - ==> Parameters: 明(String), 20(Integer)
  3. 96 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByCondition - <== Total: 15
  4. Student [id=159, name=明明, score=87.9, age=23]
  5. Student [id=173, name=小明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  6. Student [id=175, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  7. Student [id=177, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  8. Student [id=179, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  9. Student [id=181, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  10. Student [id=183, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  11. Student [id=185, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  12. Student [id=187, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  13. Student [id=189, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  14. Student [id=191, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  15. Student [id=193, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  16. Student [id=195, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  17. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  18. Student [id=200, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]


(2) 针对第一个值为空,sql语句“where and”出错的情况

  1. // Student stu = new Student("明", 20, 0);
  2. Student stu = new Student("", 20, 0);




当数据量特别大,做“where 1= 1”的判断,就降低了整个系统的执行效率

  1. @Test
  2. public void test02() {
  3. // Student stu = new Student("明", 20, 0);
  4. Student stu = new Student("", 20, 0);
  5. List<Student> students = dao.selectStudentsByWhere(stu);
  6. for (Student student : students) {
  7. System.out.println(student);
  8. }
  10. }


  1. import java.util.List;
  2. import java.util.Map;
  4. import com.jmu.bean.Student;
  6. public interface IStudentDao {
  7. // 根据条件查询问题
  8. List<Student> selectStudentsByIf(Student student);
  9. List<Student> selectStudentsByWhere(Student student);
  10. }


  1. <select id="selectStudentsByWhere" resultType="Student">
  2. select id,name,age,score
  3. from student
  4. <where>
  5. <if test="name !=null and name !=''">
  6. and name like '%' #{name} '%'
  7. </if>
  8. <if test="age>0">
  9. and age >#{age}
  10. </if>
  11. </where>
  12. </select>



  1. 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByIf - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where 1=1 and age >?
  2. 48 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByIf - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  3. 86 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByIf - <== Total: 2
  4. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  5. Student [id=200, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  6. 111 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age >?
  7. 111 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age >?
  8. 111 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  9. 111 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  10. 115 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - <== Total: 2
  11. 115 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - <== Total: 2
  12. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  13. Student [id=200, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]




  1. <select id="selectStudentsByChoose" resultType="Student">
  2. select id,name,age,score
  3. from student
  4. <where>
  5. <choose>
  6. <when test="name !=null and name !=''">
  7. and name like '%' #{name} '%'
  8. </when>
  9. <when test="age>0">
  10. and age>#{age}
  11. </when>
  12. <otherwise>
  13. 1=2 <!-- false,使得查询不到结果 -->
  14. </otherwise>
  15. </choose>
  16. </where>
  17. </select>


  1. import java.util.List;
  2. import java.util.Map;
  4. import com.jmu.bean.Student;
  6. public interface IStudentDao {
  7. // 根据条件查询问题
  8. List<Student> selectStudentsByIf(Student student);
  9. List<Student> selectStudentsByWhere(Student student);
  10. List<Student> selectStudentsByChoose(Student student);
  12. }


  1. }
  2. @Test
  3. public void test03() {
  4. // Student stu = new Student("明", 20, 0);
  5. Student stu = new Student("", 20, 0);
  6. // Student stu = new Student("", 0, 0);
  7. List<Student> students = dao.selectStudentsByChoose(stu);
  8. for (Student student : students) {
  9. System.out.println(student);
  10. }
  12. }



  1. 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByIf - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where 1=1 and age >?
  2. 50 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByIf - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  3. 86 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByIf - <== Total: 2
  4. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  5. Student [id=200, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  6. 104 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age >?
  7. 104 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age >?
  8. 105 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  9. 105 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  10. 109 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - <== Total: 2
  11. 109 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByWhere - <== Total: 2
  12. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  13. Student [id=200, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  14. 121 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age>?
  15. 121 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age>?
  16. 121 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student WHERE age>?
  17. 122 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  18. 122 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  19. 122 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - ==> Parameters: 20(Integer)
  20. 124 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - <== Total: 2
  21. 124 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - <== Total: 2
  22. 124 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByChoose - <== Total: 2
  23. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  24. Student [id=200, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]



  1. Student stu = new Student("", 0, 0);




  • collection表示要遍历的集合类型,这里是数组,即array。
  • open、close、separate为遍历内容的SQL拼接。
  1. List<Student> selectStudentsByForeach(int[] ids);


  1. @Test
  2. public void test04() {
  3. int[] ids={197,198,199};
  4. List<Student> students = dao.selectStudentsByForeach(ids);
  5. for (Student student : students) {
  6. System.out.println(student);
  7. }
  9. }


  1. <select id="selectStudentsByForeach" resultType="Student">
  2. <!-- select id,name,age,score from student where id in (1,3,5) -->
  3. select id,name,age,score
  4. from student
  5. <if test="array.length>0">
  6. where id in
  7. <foreach collection="array" item="myid" open="(" close=")"
  8. separator=",">
  9. #{myid}
  10. </foreach>
  11. </if>
  12. </select>



  1. 176 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where id in ( ? , ? , ? )
  2. 176 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where id in ( ? , ? , ? )
  3. 176 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where id in ( ? , ? , ? )
  4. 176 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where id in ( ? , ? , ? )
  5. 177 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Parameters: 197(Integer), 198(Integer), 199(Integer)
  6. 177 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Parameters: 197(Integer), 198(Integer), 199(Integer)
  7. 177 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Parameters: 197(Integer), 198(Integer), 199(Integer)
  8. 177 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - ==> Parameters: 197(Integer), 198(Integer), 199(Integer)
  9. 179 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - <== Total: 3
  10. 179 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - <== Total: 3
  11. 179 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - <== Total: 3
  12. 179 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach - <== Total: 3
  13. Student [id=197, name=明明, score=87.9, age=19]
  14. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  15. Student [id=199, name=明明, score=87.9, age=19]



  1. @Test
  2. public void test05() {
  3. List<Integer> ids =new ArrayList<>();
  4. ids.add(198);
  5. ids.add(199);
  6. List<Student> students = dao.selectStudentsByForeach2(ids);
  7. for (Student student : students) {
  8. System.out.println(student);
  9. }
  11. }


  1. import java.util.List;
  2. import com.jmu.bean.Student;
  4. public interface IStudentDao {
  5. // 根据条件查询问题
  6. List<Student> selectStudentsByIf(Student student);
  7. List<Student> selectStudentsByWhere(Student student);
  8. List<Student> selectStudentsByChoose(Student student);
  9. List<Student> selectStudentsByForeach(int[] ids);
  10. List<Student> selectStudentsByForeach2(List<Integer> ids);
  11. }


  1. <select id="selectStudentsByForeach2" resultType="Student">
  2. <!-- select id,name,age,score from student where id in (1,3,5) -->
  3. select id,name,age,score
  4. from student
  5. <if test="list.size>0">
  6. where id in
  7. <foreach collection="list" item="myid" open="(" close=")"
  8. separator=",">
  9. #{myid}
  10. </foreach>
  11. </if>
  12. </select>



  1. 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach2 - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where id in ( ? , ? )
  2. 48 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach2 - ==> Parameters: 198(Integer), 199(Integer)
  3. 78 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach2 - <== Total: 2
  4. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  5. Student [id=199, name=明明, score=87.9, age=19]



  1. import java.util.List;
  2. import com.jmu.bean.Student;
  4. public interface IStudentDao {
  5. // 根据条件查询问题
  6. List<Student> selectStudentsByIf(Student student);
  7. List<Student> selectStudentsByWhere(Student student);
  8. List<Student> selectStudentsByChoose(Student student);
  9. List<Student> selectStudentsByForeach(int[] ids);
  10. List<Student> selectStudentsByForeach2(List<Integer> ids);
  11. List<Student> selectStudentsByForeach3(List<Student> ids);
  12. }


  1. @Test
  2. public void test06() {
  3. Student stu1 = new Student();
  4. stu1.setId(198);
  5. Student stu2 = new Student();
  6. stu2.setId(199);
  7. List<Student> stus =new ArrayList<>();
  8. stus.add(stu1);
  9. stus.add(stu2);
  10. List<Student> students = dao.selectStudentsByForeach3(stus);
  11. for (Student student : students) {
  12. System.out.println(student);
  13. }
  15. }


  1. <select id="selectStudentsByForeach3" resultType="Student">
  2. select id,name,age,score
  3. from student
  4. <if test="list.size>0">
  5. where id in
  6. <foreach collection="list" item="stu" open="(" close=")"
  7. separator=",">
  8. #{stu.id}
  9. </foreach>
  10. </if>
  11. </select>



  1. 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach3 - ==> Preparing: select id,name,age,score from student where id in ( ? , ? )
  2. 49 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach3 - ==> Parameters: 198(Integer), 199(Integer)
  3. 90 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentsByForeach3 - <== Total: 2
  4. Student [id=198, name=明明, score=99.5, age=23]
  5. Student [id=199, name=明明, score=87.9, age=19]




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