orthogonalization/ one metric

train、dev/test 划分

 开发集和测试集一定来自同一分布  onthe  same distribution

Human level performance & bayes error

human level performance 接近 bayes error,training error 和 bayes 的差距 : bias(avoidable error),dev/test error: variance,决定先调优bias/variance。


Bias & variance

  Bias: Training error 和 human performance 相差大  (avoidable error


  variance: training error 和 dev error 相差大


Error analysis



Mismatched dev/test & training set

option 1:讲所有数据集随机打乱,再划分

option 2:dev/test 来源于target dataset,一部分target set 和其他补充数据集作为training set

Bias & variance & data mismatch


  human performance 和 training error 评估 avoidable error,traing error和 training - dev error 评估 variance,training - dev error 和 dev error 评估 data mismatch,dev error 和 test error 评估 overfit


deal with mismatch




end to end




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