July 13th 2017 Week 28th Thursday
No dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.
Hold on to your dreams, but be careful that some of them may be too far away to be realized.
Maybe they are too big for you, but if you can keep moving forward, maybe they will become reachable in the future.
We must divide our big dreams into small ones, make every step clear and concrete.
When every small step is realized, the whole dream will become true as well.
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
From Lucille Ball.
I guess that Lucille Ball must be a woman, a beautiful woman, otherwise she couldn't be so mindful of the age.
Bingo, I am right, Lucille Ball was really a charming woman, you can see the details of her life on the Wikepedia.
In the actual fact, not only women, there are more and more men who are caring about their ages and their appearances.
But how to stay young? I was told that one's appearance is mostly determined by his heart and his spirit.
If you are energetic, even you are old, people will think you are young.
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