
1.1 字符类型

char c = 65; // char --> int

char c = '\u0041'; // \u: unicode + (Hex 41--> Dec 65)

char c = 'A';

escape character

'\b' --> backspace the cursor (not delete the last character, just move the cursor)

However, eclipse will ignore it


in eclipse console: abcd

in terminal console: abd

'\n' --> 换行; '\r\ --> 回车  --> 起源于打字机:回车-->光标回到第一列;回车-->新的一行

1.2 包裹类型

基础类型 --> 包裹类型

boolean Boolean

char Character  --> .isDigit(char); isUppercase(char); .toLowerCase(char); etc.

int/double Integer/Double  --> Integer.MAX_VALUE


Integer i = 10;

Integer i = new Integer(10);

1.3 字符串类型

read in String:

in.next() --> separated by space (including \t, \n, etc.)

in.nextLine() --> separated by \n

String comparison:

(initialising two strings a and b)

a.equals(b)  (not by using "==" to compare)

a.compareTo(b); // based on the Unicode

String some other methods:

a.charAt(int index); // get the particular char at the position index

a.substring(int index); // get the sub-string starting from position index (included)

a.substring(int start, int end); // get the sub-string from start(included) to end (excluded)

a.indexOf(char); // find the char in string a and return the position of the first found

// (-1 if char doesn't exist)

a.indexOf(char, int); // find the char, starting from position int (included)

a.startsWith(b); a.endsWith(b) // check if a starts/ends with substring b

a.trim(); // delete the spaces at two ends of the string

a.replace(c1, c2); // replace c1 with c2

a.toLowerCase(); a.toUpperCase()


instances of String are immutable !!!

1.4 Math类

some methods:

Math.abs(number); // absolute value

Math.round(number); // rounding

Math.random(); // random number between 0 and 1

Math.pow(a, b); // a to the power of b


2.1 用类制造对象

2.2 定义类

UML for classes

2.3 成员变量和成员函数

2.4 对象初始化


for local variable: error when using an uninitialised local variable

for object variable: auto initialisation to 0/false/null...

step into constructor:

new object;

invoke constructor automatically;

execute the initialisation code outside the constructor;

execute the code inside the constructor.

constructor overload 重载:

inside constructor: this(args);

NB: if we use this();, it must be the first (several) statement in the constructor

2.5 对象交互

low coupling - 低耦合

problem domain - 问题领域

2.6 访问属性

private: visible inside the class (here is "class" rather than "object")


public class Fraction {
private int r;
public Fraction func (Fraction b) {
a.r = b.r;

if the visibility is not set, it becomes to package-visible by default.

compilation unit 编译单元 -- each .java file could be considered as one compilation unit.

each compilation unit has maximum one public class (same name as the name of compilation unit),

(and could have zero to many classes).

2.7 包

2.8 类变量和类函数

static variable: using object or class to access the static variable inside; using static method to access the variable.

static variable will be initialised when the class is loaded (当类被装载时)


3.1 顺序容器

It is the reference of an object that is put in the container rather than a copy of the object.

Changing the object by itself (not via the container access) will also change the object contained by the container.

3.2 对象数组

An array of objects contains the references to those object elements.

need to create each of the element. (before creation: null: NullPointerException).

For each loop:

for (int k: array) {} // each k is a copy of an element in array. -- changing k does not modify the element in array

for (Classname c: array) {} // each c is a copy of the reference to an element -- the changing does something indeed.

for each loop works for container as well.

A container variable can be System.out.print() directly -- thanks to toString();.

3.3 集合容器(set)

set: no duplicated element; no order.

HashSet<type> name = new HashSet<type>();

3.4 散列表(hash)

hash table: key-value pairs

HashMap<type, type> name = new HashMap<type, type>();

if the key in a new key-value pair exists already, it got overwriten.

traverse hashmap:

for( Integer k : map.keySet()) {

e = map.get(k);



4.1 继承

4.2 子类父类关系




















the order of initialisations:

1. parent's definition initialisations

2. parent's consturctor

3. child's definition initialisations

4. back to child's constructor

If there is no explict invoking of the super() in the child's constructor, it will automatically call the parent's constructor which has no argument passed in.


public class Item {
private String title;
public void setTitle(String s) {
this.title = s;
} public class CD extends Item {
private String title;
public CD(String title) {
this.title = title; // cd-title
setTitle("aaa"); // item-title

4.3 多态变量和向上造型

class type cast:

Item item = new Item(..);
CD cd = new CD(...); // class CD extends Item
item = cd; // works fine
CD cd1= (CD)item; // type cast
Item item = new Item(...);
CD cd = (CD)item; // compiling ok, but exception is thrown when executing

cast here (造型) is different from the cast in the example (类型转换): double a = (double)b;


4.4 多态




4.5 类型系统

单根结构:Object class

toString() can have super.toString() inside;

equals(): whether two references refer to the same object

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
CD cd = (CD)obj;
return artist.equals(cd.artist);


1. 给定以下代码:

  1. public class Test {
    private int i = f();
    private int j = 10;
    private int f() {
    return j;
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println((new Test()).i);


  • A. 由于在main中访问了Test的私有的变量而不能编译
  • B. 通过编译,打印出10
  • C. 由于成员变量定义初始化时的顺序错误而不能编译
  • D. 通过编译,打印出0

2. 给定以下代码:

 public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = "Hello";
String s3 = "Hellp";
s3 = s3.replace('p', 'o'); System.out.println(s1==s2);

3. 给定以下代码:

private class Base{

int i = 100;
} public class PriBase extends Base{ static int i = 200; public static void main(String argv[]){
PriBase p = new PriBase();

4. 给定以下代码:

interface I {
void setValue(int val);
int getValue();


abstract class C implements I {
int value;
public void setValue(int val) { value = val; }
public int getValue() { return value; }


interface A implements I {
void increment();
class A extends I {
int value;
void setValue(int val) { value = val; }
int getValue() { return value; }
class A extends I {
void increment();

5. 有以下代码:

public class Equivalence {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer n1 = new Integer(47);
Integer n2 = new Integer(47);
System.out.println(n1 == n2);


1. D

2. true, false

3. Illegal modifier for the class Base; only public, abstract & final are permitted

4. A

5. false


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