


Sorry, there's nothing you can do, it's a done deal!

[ˈsɔri] , [ðerz] [ˈnʌθɪŋ] [ju] [kæn] [du] , [ɪts] [e] [dʌn] [dil]


You don't say! I'll believe it when I see it.

[ju] [dɑːn] t [se] [aɪl] [bɪˈliv] [ɪt] [wɛn] [aɪ] [si] [ɪt]





~it's a






~believe it

[bɪˈliv] [ɪt]


~When I

[wɛn] [aɪ]

[n] [aɪ]连读

~see it

[si] [ɪt]

[i] [ɪ]元元连读,加过渡音[j],略读[t]



(1)Deal with ,处理

Let me deal with it.


(2)make/have a deal, 达成交易

We had a deal, but let's make a new deal.


(3)big deal,重要的事,厉害的事

You think it’s a big deal?


Well, it was all right, no big deal!


(4)A deal is a deal. 一码归一码

A deal is a deal, do you accept the deal or not?


You don't say.




I'll believe it when I see it.


(2)believe it or not,信不信由你

Believe it or not, I'm on your side.


(3)make believe,假装

You don't have to make believe you're gonna call me.


Believe it or not, I don't need to make believe it's a big deal.

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