I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.


I had run very fast, and I had once led the way in my early years, to be more precise, the years before I started my  university career.

And the university career may be a turning point of my life. During the several years, I gradually stopped to move forward, even started moving backwards.

There were kinds of reasons, but the most important could be due to myself. I didn't adapt myselft quickly to the campus life, then the vicious circle began.

I even can't get out from the circle today, ten years after its beginning.

In fact, I had enough time and many opportunities to bring an end to the circle.

But I failed. I wasted too many time and opportunities.

What should I do?

Remember that self-development is very important, and I will be exactly what I have spent my time developing into.

It seems I have spent too much on sleeping, then I think I will be always a day-dreamer.

Nothing can be done.

With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.


Most of us are just ordinary, with ordinary talent, ordinary background, ordinary appearance.

Rather than to be jealous of the accomplishments of those talented ones, we had better to think about what we can do to catch up with them.

Among those winners I know, most are as ordinary as myself.

But they can keep preparing for potential opportunities, when the opportunities turn out, they can make good use of them.

In a word, they have extraordinary perseverance.

Believe in myself, I also have extraordinary perseverance, and I definitely can make my dreams true.

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