解决VS2013+IE11调试DevExpress ASP.NET MVC的性能问题
最后在DevExpress的支持页面找到答案,原来是VS2013的Browser Link功能造成的。
- If you use Visual Studio 2013 for web development, you could face some issues:
1) A Web application is being loaded for a very long time/client scripts are being loaded long when you debug it on the development server;
2) CPU usage by the local IIS worker process increases enormously while debugging the application;
3) Pages that use the jQuery library return JavaScript errors;
4) HTML markup contains garbage tags.
via menu (uncheck the "Enable Browser Link" check box)
<appSettings><add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false"/></appSettings>
In these cases, the only solution is to disable the Browser Link feature as described above.
Case 3:
Browser Link's Scripts Manager adds a jQuery reference to the <body> tag. JavaScript is an interpreter language and processes code line-by-line, so the place where the scripts are referenced or declared is really important. If a custom script that uses the jQuery library is declared before the body (commonly, scripts are added in the head), it will not work correctly.
If you want the Browser Link option to be enabled, you can move jQuery-dependable scripts to the <body> tag.
Case 4:
This issue is usually caused by a page compression conflict. If URL compression has the enabled dynamicCompressionBeforeCache that is set by default for IIS 7.5, it interferes with HttpModules that are used by Browser Link, and produces problems in output.
If you want the Browser Link option to be enabled, disable the dynamicCompressionBeforeCache (web.config -> system.webServer):
<urlCompression doDynamicCompression="true"doStaticCompression="true"dynamicCompressionBeforeCache="false" />
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