The server file is created when you install TortoiseSVN, Eclipse or command-line Subversion. Use the appropriate path from the installation folder to configure proxy settings:

  • CLI Unix/Linux : /home/username/.subversion/servers
  • CLI Windows (2k, XP): C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Subversion\servers
  • CLI Windows (Vista/7): C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Subversion\servers
  • Eclipse: Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections
  • IE (6/7): Tools > Options > Advanced Network > Connection Settings
  • Firefox: Tools > Internet Options > Connections tab > LAN Settings
  • TortoiseSVN: Windows Explorer > File > TortoiseSVN > Settings > Network (by default, TSVN uses system proxy settings)

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