Apache is the most popular web server in the world,because it is more efficient than others.Thrust of this article is to share some useful apache modules,they’ll help your web app more flexible.

1.SSO Module - LemonLDAP

LemonLdap can achieve great Apache’s SSO functionality, and can handle more than 200,000 user requests. LemonLdap support for Java, PHP, .Net, Perl, Ruby, Python and other Web development technologies, that is, as long as you will WEB application deployed on Apache, you can use LemonLdap achieve single sign-on functionality.

website : http://wiki.lemonldap.ow2.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome

2.Concurrent limit module - limitipconn

limitipconn is an Apache module, used to limit the number of concurrent connections for each IP. Support for Apache 1.x and 2.x.

website : http://dominia.org/djao/limitipconn.html

3.Log monitoring module

Apache Live Log is a developer with Perl in your browser to Apache log files for real-time monitoring via Ajax technologies Apache module. It can be grouped according to recent visitors to IP addresses.

website : http://www.burlaca.com/2009/02/alivelog/

4.Load balancing module

mod_backhand is an Apache load balancing module. Each request will be redirected to an Apache server cluster, and use a “candidate algorithm” to select the most appropriate server, and then redirects the request to the server.

website : http://www.backhand.org/mod_backhand/

5.The image processing module

mod_gfx Apache is an image processing module, which has a range of flexible and scalable interface, and can be easily implanted into their site, currently supports the following features:

  • Resizing
  • Resampling
  • Watermarking
  • Cropping

Future revisions of this software may enable the ability to:

  • Add Text
  • Rotate
  • Draw Polygons

website : http://nauticaltech.com/software/mod_gfx/

6.Compression Module

mod-gzip-disk is a disk used to store pre-compressed pages Apache module, and mod-gzip different is that it should be re-compressed once every request.


gunzip -c mod_gzip_disk-0.5.tar.gz | tar -xvpf -
cd mod_gzip_disk
sudo make module

website : http://www.usenix.org.uk/code/mod-gzip/

7.Music Module

mod_musicindex is an Apache module, its function is similar to Perl module Apache :: MP3, friendly reality can contain MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or MP4 / AAC files directory and sort various fields, downloads and online play , build playlists and search, while providing RSS and Podcast seed output, support for multiple CSS and package download.

website : http://hacks.slashdirt.org/sw/musicindex/

8.LDAP authentication module

LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which is based on the X.500 standard, but is much simpler and can be customized according to needs. mod_psldap is an Apache module that performs an LDAP authentication and authorization against the use of the management process several different means server authentication and authorization. This can also be achieved through a Web interface for managing records and verification of an LDAP server, passwords and restricted from reading Kerberos-based authentication implementations of LDAP users to connect to the server itself.

website : http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-psldap/

9.Bandwidth limitations module

mod_cband is a request to limit the bandwidth of Apache modules, server traffic can be controlled to a certain extent.

website : http://sourceforge.net/projects/cband/

10.CGI V8 engine package

v8cgi is a small C ++ and JS files collection, allowing developers to use JS on the server side language, the basic features include IO, GD, MySQL, Sockets, templates, FastCGI and Apache module.

website : code.google.com/p/v8cgi/

reference from:


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