Recursive Learning
At first, I just want to learn SQL Server / T-SQL, which I hope can replace MySQL.
Then, I was attracted by Azure.
And I was trying to deploy Nodejs application on Azure.
Later on, I noticed that I can create Web API on Azure.
And I found that Web API can also be created by new ASP.NET Core 1.0 (like Nodejs, it is cross-platform).
With the Asp.NET Core 1.0, there is Entity Framework Core 1.0 as well, I am jumping into Entity Framework.
Material I have collected:
1) Create Node.js API using Swaggerize-express and Yo tool
2) Open API Specification
3) Swaggerize-express on github
4) NPM generator-swaggerize
5) ASP.NET Core 1: Build your first web API with MVC 6
6) ASP.NET Core 1: Get started with Entity Framework 7
7) Introduce to ASP.NET vNext (ASP.NET Core 1)
8) Getting start with API app and ASP.NET on Azure
9) Cross-platform single page application with Asp.NET 5, Angular 2, TypeScript
Alva Chien
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