上篇文章向大家介绍了用DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll读取excel的方法,这里再向大家介绍一种轻量级简便的方法,用的是Excel.dll,及ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll, 很简单,只需要在vs2013中通过add reference->Manage NuGet Packages->找到ExcelDataReader->点击Install。


public class ExcelDataReader
private string path;
public string Path
get { return path; }
set { path = value; }
private bool isFirstRowAsColumnNames;
public bool IsFirstRowAsColumnNames
get { return IsFirstRowAsColumnNames; }
set { isFirstRowAsColumnNames = value; }
public ExcelDataReader(string path, bool isFirstRowAsColumnNames)
this.path = path;
this.isFirstRowAsColumnNames = isFirstRowAsColumnNames;
private IExcelDataReader GetExcelDataReader()
using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
IExcelDataReader dataReader;
if (path.EndsWith(".xls"))
dataReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(fileStream);
else if (path.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
dataReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(fileStream);
throw new Exception("The file to be process is not an excel file.");
dataReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = isFirstRowAsColumnNames;
return dataReader;
private DataSet GetExcelDataAsDataSet()
return GetExcelDataReader().AsDataSet();
private DataTable GetExcelWorkSheet(string workSheetName)
DataSet dataSet = GetExcelDataAsDataSet();
var sheets = from DataTable sheet in dataSet.Tables
select sheet.TableName;
DataTable workSheet = dataSet.Tables[workSheetName];
if (workSheet == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("The worksheet {0} does not exist, has an incorrect name, or does not have any data in the worksheet", workSheetName));
return workSheet;
private IEnumerable<string> GetWorkSheetNames()
DataSet dataSet = GetExcelDataAsDataSet();
var sheets = from DataTable sheet in dataSet.Tables
select sheet.TableName;
return sheets;
public List<List<DataRow>> GetData()
List<List<DataRow>> dataRows = new List<List<DataRow>>();
IEnumerable<string> workSheets = GetWorkSheetNames();
logger.Debug("Worksheets count :{0}.", workSheets.Count());
foreach (string sheet in workSheets)
DataTable workSheet = GetExcelWorkSheet(sheet);
List<DataRow> rows = (from DataRow row in workSheet.Rows
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[].ToString())
select row).ToList();
if (rows.Count > )
dataRows.Add(rows); }
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
return dataRows;

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